
In: Psychology

Describe the research methods and results from Reiss & Havercamp (2006) and from Lyubomirsky et al....

Describe the research methods and results from Reiss & Havercamp (2006) and from Lyubomirsky et al. (2011).

Rogers developed his personality theory largely based on what type of experiences?

Define the key aspects of Rogers’ therapeutic approach.


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Reiss and Havercamp made a research on 16 basic motivations and desires. In this methods of surveys and analyses we used. This was used for creation of self report instrument known as Reis Profile of fundamental goal and sensitivties. The profile scores indicate person's individual desire heirarchy which proved to be career choice in Havercamp.

Carl Roger developed theory of self actulization. he had humanitic approach. Acc to him if a person in congruent with his self image and current self then there is state of self actulization. He believed that each person can achieve whaterever he/she aims. He argued with psycholoanlutic approach of igo, unconscious state of Freud.

His theory is largely developed on self experiences. Carl Rogers believed that every human has basic motive a tendency to self actualize i.e to fulfill the self potential and achieve constant level of human beingness we can. The determinant of whether we will become self actualized is childhhod experience. A person having low self confience may avoid challenges and life can be painful Roger believed that ideas of self worth or self confidence are developed in childhood are formed with interaction between parents and child. Rogers believed that we are needed to be highly respected, valued and treated

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