
In: Nursing

Background: During the Summary of Clinical Review for the Premarket Study presented at the FDA, it...

Background: During the Summary of Clinical Review for the Premarket Study presented at the FDA, it was noted that a particular model of pediatric left ventricular assist device (LVAD) is prone to thrombus formation at the inlet and outlet valves, and therefore increased mortality may be expected when:

It is implanted at relatively less-experienced centers (<100/year)

Patients present with single ventricle physiology

Patients require pre-implant ECMO support

Nevertheless, FDA determined that the clinical risk benefit profile was acceptable and approved the device as a bridge to transplant (BTT) for pediatric patients when a compatible human heart is not immediately available.

Scenario: A left ventricular assist device is surgically implanted into a 3-month-old patient under general anesthesia at a surgical center that performs an average of 85 such surgeries per year, although the cardiovascular surgeon assigned to this case performs almost all of these surgeries himself. The patient had a compromised immune system prior to the surgery, as she was recovering from a virus and pneumonia induced by a chronic pulmonary edema due to poor cardiac function. This required her to be on both cardiac and respiratory support for two weeks prior to surgery. The surgery proceeded without incident, and the patient was returned to a special cardio-neonatal ICU to recover. The ICU was not staffed over the weekend with the most experienced nurses, as it was a long holiday weekend, and the most senior nursing staff had been approved for vacation well in advance. Therefore, when a pressure alarm in the outlet valve of the LVAD sounded in the ICU, the attending nurse applied suction to the inlet valve, and the thrombus blocking the outlet valve resulted in the infant’s death. The hospital explanted the LVAD post-mortem and returned it to the manufacturer for assessment. The hospital reported the event to both the FDA and the manufacturer of the LVAD (via MDR), and the manufacturer conducted an internal investigation into the situation, using the returned, explanted LVAD. It was determined that there had been an increase in the rate of thrombus formation complaints on the device in the lot numbers of LVADs produced around the same time as the LVAD in question. The manufacturer’s Quality Engineer opened a CAPA. During the CAPA investigation, the engineer determined that the supplier of the outlet valve had been changed recently, and the new supplier had failed its unannounced audit by its Notified Body due to a non-validated metal polishing process. Further investigation revealed that the outlet valve on the explanted LVAD contained metal burrs that could encourage thrombus formation. After completing the investigation, the explanted device was placed into a general (non-biohazard) refuse bin by the engineer investigating the MDR.


List all harms, hazards and hazardous situations in the scenario presented.   Be sure to identify each item as a harm, hazard or hazardous situation.


Expert Solution

LVADs have a power source that is outside to the form. Besides so, there is as named a determination mark that departures the belly from the expedient which is interior to the influence source which is outside. And that streak that energies into the abdominal wall is a foundation of possible contamination that can become into the figure and into the drive. And contaminations are the amount unique difficulty of these strategies. Approximately of these contagions can be preserved with antibiotics and skillful, but approximately of these contaminations are in detail life intimidating and very grave.

The next complication of VADs is a motorized dysfunction of the maneuver. These are motorized strategies with poignant shares and they are theme to motorized letdown. They've had extensive challenging and they are in detail very dependable. But approximately of the VADs have a recognized lifetime expectation of a day and a half to two and a half years, and approximately of the VADs have stirring portions that can nose dive. And so, mechanical problems can happen with the strategies. The fresher generation strategies and the latest technology appear to fewer disposed to to mechanical failure, but we're still in initial testing of those strategies and we don't know yet in what way extended these strategies are successful to be able to previous.

And lastly, the third difficulty that's important with these strategies is the development of blood clots in the maneuver that can then disrupt off and change to portions of the body greatest meaningfully producing blows when the blood mass changes to the intelligence. Some of the strategies necessitate you to be on blood solvents to speech this danger, and then there's a danger of bleeding with the blood solvents, and again, most meaningfully, if the bleeding in the brain, it can reason a dissimilar procedure of knock. So contaminations, mechanical disappointments of the expedient and stroke are important jeopardies with this process.

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