The government and the businesses are interrelated in the
following ways -
- The businesses need the government to lay down the proper rules
and regulations for the smooth conduct of the business. Unless a
country or a state has the proper rules and relgulations in place,
the atmosphere will be inconclusive and uncertain for the
businesses to operate safely
- The government also has to make available the proper
infrastructure in the country which will help in the profitability
of the businesses. The government has to maintain proper roads,
ensure there is proper law and order in place and other facilities
are provided like electricity.
- It is also important that the government creates enough demand
for the business to be profitable. This will include adequate
government spending so that the poeple in the country have enough
income to create an effective demand for the business and its
products. This also involves a well structured tax policy, which
will greatly influence the purchasing power of the citizens of the
country and also the after tax income of the businesses.
- Businesses influence the government in a number of ways as
well. This is by creation of jobs in the country, which reduces the
rate of unemployment in the country. Sometimes because of th
investment by businesses, the government also increases its
investment and that increases the overall wellbeing of the people
in the country.