The first piece on offer is a TED talk by Lawrence Lessig who rather sceptically examines...

The first piece on offer is a TED talk by Lawrence Lessig who rather sceptically examines the impact of the rise of a media age upon the functioning of representative democracy. hi Chegg could someone help me understand this piece

In: Economics

What are the major differences between the economic model of social responsibility and the socioeconomic model?

What are the major differences between the economic model of social responsibility and the socioeconomic model?

In: Economics

In the space below, draw a firm’s isocost/isoquant diagram with K on the vertical axis and...

In the space below, draw a firm’s isocost/isoquant diagram with K on the vertical axis and L on the horizontal axis.

  1. Show the change that would occur if capital became more expensive and the firm maintained the same total cost.  Be sure to show how each curve changes.  To the right of the graph, clearly indicatewhat happens to the level of output and use of both L and K, and whether you are showing L and K as substitute inputs or complementary inputs.

  1. Draw another isocost/isoquant diagram below.  Consider the same increase in the cost of capital.  However, this time, assume the firm maintains the same level of output, so it stays on the same isoquant as the price of capital increases. Show what would change in the graph and to the right of the graph, clearly indicatewhat happens to the firm’s total cost and its use of both L and K.

In: Economics

Explain in detail what are the primary variables that influence the risk of a portfolio of...

Explain in detail what are the primary variables that influence the risk of a portfolio of assets?

In: Economics

Explain in detail how diversification can reduce the risk of a portfolio of assets to below...

Explain in detail how diversification can reduce the risk of a portfolio of assets to below the weighted average of the risk of the individual assets.

In: Economics

Which of the following best illustrates the idea of government failure and why? For each of...

Which of the following best illustrates the idea of government failure and why? For each of the others, indicate why it does not illustrate the idea of government failure, or if you’d need more information to determine if it does and what information you would want to have. Think about this in terms of government action that works against the attainment of efficient policy.

        a.     A new environmental law raises the cost of coal powered energy production.

        b.    Agricultural farm support payments increase acreage planted thus increase fertilizer use and runoff and decrease water quality.

        c.     A local government builds a new park at a cost of $1.7 million.

7.     (4 points) Are the impacts of a program to control automobile pollution progressively or regressively distributed by income levels? Explain in a way that makes it clear what a progressive or regressive distribution of impacts is. Compare to a program to ensure the quality of public water supply systems for household water supply.

In: Economics

could someone answer these terms by defining it and explain the term as well of international...

could someone answer these terms by defining it and explain the term as well of international relations course

5. Interstate/international system
6. Sovereignty
7. The New Deal
8. Cold War
9. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
10. Proxy wars

In: Economics

1. Consider the economy of country A. The nominal GDP increases from $40,000 to $80,000 in...

1. Consider the economy of country A. The nominal GDP increases from $40,000 to $80,000 in 15 years. Annual population growth rate is 2% and the annual inflation rate is 1%.  

  1. Calculate the annual economic growth rate of country A.
  2. Approximately, how long will it take for the real GDP per capita of country A to double?
  3. The country discovered a new oil field, but economic growth rate fell afterward. Explain how this could happen.
  4. For each of the following separate policies, determine the associated factor of economic growth.

(1) natural resources; (2) physical capital; (3) human capital; (4) technology; or (5) institutions:

(Explanations are not required, choose only one from the above list for each of the following)

  1. The government allows for the freedom of speech.
  2. Small companies receive tax credit from the government for hiring high-school dropouts.
  3. Firms are penalized for burning coal as a source of energy.
  4. The country plans to expand the subway system.
  5. The government hires more police to improve the law and order.

In: Economics

what was the Bretton Woods system of Exchange rates? What were it's advantages and disadvantages? What...

what was the Bretton Woods system of Exchange rates? What were it's advantages and disadvantages? What happened after Bretton Woods was abandoned? Can the PPP or Balassa Samuelson Theories explain the short term fluctuations in Exchange rates? How about the long term?

In: Economics

If successful politics almost invariably requires compromise, then why aren't we seeing more of it in...

If successful politics almost invariably requires compromise, then why aren't we seeing more of it in national politics?

In: Economics

People have a tendency to categorize others into hierarchies. What do you all think has been...

  • People have a tendency to categorize others into hierarchies. What do you all think has been the source of racial hierarchies in the United States? Do these hierarchies have any validity? Why or why not?
  • As you are learning, race is not the simple product of biology (such as the physical features that someone possess), but is actually the result of the ways that society defines how these outward features acts as signs, carrying culturally constructed meanings. Do you agree with this view that race is a cultural construction? Why or why not? Give an example to support your opinion.

In: Economics

Has the cuba political system changed since the cold war

Has the cuba political system changed since the cold war

In: Economics

Describe the loss of personal liberties that were a result of the democracy Failing in Cuba

Describe the loss of personal liberties that were a result of the democracy Failing in Cuba

In: Economics

According to narrators and interviewees in Commanding Heights the video, how are economic forces suppose to...

According to narrators and interviewees in Commanding Heights the video, how are economic forces suppose to be used?

In: Economics

What are the two major economic theories in Commanding Heights?

What are the two major economic theories in Commanding Heights?

In: Economics