Peter, Jim, and Mary have a catering business where they make appetizers and desserts. Every week...

Peter, Jim, and Mary have a catering business where they make appetizers and desserts. Every week Mary can make either 400 appetizers or 100 desserts. Jim can make either 300 appetizers or 50 desserts. Peter can make either 375 appetizers or 75 desserts.

If they need to make 100 desserts then the largest quantity of appetizers can they make is _ .

If they need to make 150 desserts then the largest quantity of appetizers they can make is _ .

Enter whole numbers.

In: Economics

Are privately operated prisons efficient or inefficient? Give an explanation of your answer based on economics.

Are privately operated prisons efficient or inefficient? Give an explanation of your answer based on economics.

In: Economics

Before the Civil War, the South was the wealthiest region in the country. After the war,...

Before the Civil War, the South was the wealthiest region in the country. After the war, it was the poorest, especially the cotton states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and South Carolina. This poverty would remain characteristic of the region for more than a century. Discuss the reasons why the South fell into poverty and remained there for such a long time.

In: Economics

why have economic analyses of clinical and administrative innovations become more important?

why have economic analyses of clinical and administrative innovations become more important?

In: Economics

Consider the information in the table regarding prices of three goods (alpha, beta, gamma) and the...

Consider the information in the table regarding prices of three goods (alpha, beta, gamma) and the quantities purchased by two individuals (Warren and Frank).

Good Price year 1 Price year 2 Warren Frank
Alpha $2.10 $2.25 5 10
Beta $5.10 $5.80 5 5
Gamma $3.05 $2.90 10 5

Based on this information, Warren feels like the inflation rate was __ % and Frank feels like the inflation rate was __ %.

In: Economics

During the latter part of the 19th century, even farmers outside the South had a difficult...

During the latter part of the 19th century, even farmers outside the South had a difficult time. Discuss the reasons for agrarian distress in this period. What factors did many farmers blame for their problems? In what ways did farmers attempt to address and correct some of these issues?

In: Economics

The Federal Reserve was founded in 1913. Trace its development over the first two decades of...

The Federal Reserve was founded in 1913. Trace its development over the first two decades of its existence. How was it structured originally until changes were made by the Banking Act of 1935? What role did it play in the recession of 1929 to 1933?

In: Economics

Discuss the creation of the National Banks during the Civil War. Why did it develop into...

Discuss the creation of the National Banks during the Civil War. Why did it develop into a dual banking system? Discuss the structural weaknesses of banking in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries after the National Banking Act was implemented and how attempts to reform the system led to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

In: Economics

Find five Economic applications of any ideas in the book Candide.

Find five Economic applications of any ideas in the book Candide.

In: Economics

Religious tensions have been a common theme throughout the subject matter we have covered. Providing specifics...

Religious tensions have been a common theme throughout the subject matter we have covered. Providing specifics and examples, explain the religious turmoil that has marked societies up until this point in class. Back up your work with evidence and detail (Based on martin luther protestant reformation, the witch hunts, 30 years war, and sunni and shia) (at least a page or two, but anything is fine)

In: Economics

1. Indicate a game theory and major decision the US airline industry might make based on...

1. Indicate a game theory and major decision the US airline industry might make based on that theory.

In: Economics

What is NAFTA? Which countries are involved and why was it established? What evidence is there...

What is NAFTA? Which countries are involved and why was it established? What evidence is there of positive economic outcomes since NAFTA was established?

Some believe NAFTA has been a “failure”, including President Trump, and has had negative outcomes, particularly for the US. What negative outcomes for the US have been raised?

After difficult discussions, the NAFTA agreement has been renegotiated with Canada and Mexico. Read several articles below regarding the renegotiated USMCA deal.
3. How do you think the US will benefit from the new agreement (USMCA) versus the original NAFTA agreement? Give examples of improvements.
4. Are there any potential issues with the new USMCA deal for the US? Explain. The new deal must be approved by the US Congress? Do you think it will pass? Yes or No? Why do you say that?

In: Economics

In the US Airline Industry, 1. Indicate a game theory and a major decision the industry...

In the US Airline Industry,

1. Indicate a game theory and a major decision the industry might make based on that theory.

2. Use a decision tree or payoff matrix to show players, strategy, and payoff (you can you hypothetical numbers).

3. Apply the Nash equilibrium and identify a dominant strategy involved, if one is in play.

In: Economics

Question 4 1).Suppose you have $200,000 in a bank term account. You earn 5% interest per...

Question 4

1).Suppose you have $200,000 in a bank term account. You earn 5% interest per annum from this account. You anticipate that the inflation rate will be 4% during the year. However, the actual inflation rate for the year is 6%.

Calculate the impact of inflation on the bank term deposit you have and examine the effects of inflation in your city of residence with attention to food and accommodation expenses.

2) The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported in May 2017 that the civilian population in Australia over 15 years of age was 20.8 million.

Of this population of 20.8 million Australians, 13.5 million were employed and 0.7 million were unemployed.

Calculate Australia’s labor force and the number of people in the civilian population who were not in the labor force? Also, with examples examine the causes of structural unemployment in Australia

In: Economics

Question: Examine the fundamental causes of a nation’s business cycle fluctuations. Also, examine the relationship between...


Examine the fundamental causes of a nation’s business cycle fluctuations. Also, examine the relationship between total spending by government and consumers in a nation and the location of the countries’ GDP on the business cycle.

In: Economics