Using aggregate demand, short-run aggregate supply, and long-run aggregate supply curves, explain the process by which...

  1. Using aggregate demand, short-run aggregate supply, and long-run aggregate supply curves, explain the process by which each of the following government policies will move the economy from one long-run macroeconomic equilibrium to another. Illustrate with diagrams. In each case, what are the short-run and long-run effects on the aggregate price level and aggregate output?
  1. There is an increase in taxes on households.
  2. There is an increase in the quantity of money.
  3. There is an increase in government spending.

In: Economics

The brutal killing of Mr. George Floyd, an African-American in Minneapolis, MN at the hand of...

The brutal killing of Mr. George Floyd, an African-American in Minneapolis, MN at the hand of law enforcement officers (earlier this week) and the subsequent riots nationally symptomize the underlying flaws and problems of discrimination and uneven treatment of minorities. Even the deaths related to Covid-19 among minorities can be traced to poverty and access to timely and affordable healthcare.

Unfortunately, even in the financial sector, we find that discrimination, redlining and predatory lending impacting minorities (especially African Americans) and women. Often, these groups are denied credit through traditional banking sources for mortgage lending, commercial and business loans and personal loans. Often, these problems are intertwined with poverty, education, credit history and socio-economic conditions associated with segregation and discrimination.

  • Trace the extent to which these practices exist in society today
  • The premiums (additional private and social costs) which the members of these communities pay when receiving credit
  • Identify the alternate markets which are serving the needs of these communities and the problems associated and

Public policies (regulations) from the federal government and Federal Reserve to address these problems and if they have been successful

In: Economics

III. Discuss Canada’s central bank – The Bank of Canada – in detail. Discuss all the...

  1. III. Discuss Canada’s central bank – The Bank of Canada – in detail. Discuss all the features below
  2. 1. The origins of the bank
  3. 2. The formal structure of the bank
  4. 3. The four main areas of responsibility
  5. 4. The independence – make a case for and against independence of the bank
  6. 5. What are the implications of the presence of the Bank of Canada with respect to the changing nature of the world today?

In: Economics

Barack Obama made excellent use of public relations as a candidate for the Presidency. Now, as...

Barack Obama made excellent use of public relations as a candidate for the Presidency. Now, as President of the United States, he will continue to use public relations activities. Review the six public relations functions (p. 460) and discuss how the Obama administration is making use of each.

*I need the reference of this answer.

In: Economics

Describe the three types of appeals used in marketing communications messages and develop three different advertisements...

Describe the three types of appeals used in marketing communications messages and develop three different advertisements for the same brand of a product of your choice, each using a different appeal.

*I need the reference of this answer.

In: Economics

What factors does a cosmetics company need to consider when designing its marketing channel for a...

What factors does a cosmetics company need to consider when designing its marketing channel for a new low-priced line of cosmetics? Explain each one.

*I need the reference of this answer.

In: Economics

For this assignment you will either review an organization for which you currently work, or find...

For this assignment you will either review an organization for which you currently work, or find a case study to review. Write an essay, 1100-1400 words using proper APA formatting on the following How are each of the following issues addressed in the organization? Do you have any suggestions for improvements? Restrictive covenants such as non-competition, non-solicitation provision Access and use of technology resources Access and use of confidential and proprietary information Transfer of intellectual property work product Performance evaluation Discrimination Health and Safety Standards

In: Economics

I. Classification as One of the Four Basic Market Models A. Select a company from a...

I. Classification as One of the Four Basic Market Models

A. Select a company from a current business periodical or where you work, and state which market model is represented by this company. Explain your reasoning using a narrative format. (List the characteristics of the market model you chose, and explain how your company operates in an industry with those characteristics)

B. State a basic industry problem and proceed to analyze using the following methodology where appropriate. Be sure to include the six (6) graphs, as indicated. (Each industry market model has drawbacks or problems, explain how this affects your company and how they attempt to deal with it)

II. Supply & Demand and the Price System Graphs

A. What is the current demand situation – is the curve changing (use graphs)? Is demand relatively elastic or inelastic, why?

Graph #1: Demand Curve and any Changes (CHOOSE ONE):

1. Curve shift and underlying causes 2. Movement along the curve and causes

B. What is the current supply situation – is the curve changing (use graphs)? Graph #2: Supply Curve and any Changes (CHOOSE ONE):

1. Curve shift and underlying causes 2. Movement along the curve and causes

C. Market Equilibrium (use graphs)

Graph #3: Demand & Supply Curves with Changes (before and after on same graph)

1. Surplus/shortage (if appropriate) 2. Price ceilings and price floors (if appropriate) D. Changes in Income & Results

1. Superior/normal or inferior goods

E. Changes in Prices of Related Goods & Results—(CHOOSE ONE):

1. Name a Substitute, complement, or independent goods

III. Costs & Profits: From the article see if the company is above target (Eco. Profit), on target (Normal profit) or below target (Loss).

A. Short-run Costs (use graphs)

Graph #4: Short-run Economic Profit, Normal Profit, or Loss (use MC, AR, ATC, and AR; shade where appropriate) (Based on what read, what do the profits look like currently; illustrate this using the cost curves in the text (for the industry model your in, and the companies current profits)

1. State whether firm is earning a normal or economic profit, or a loss. Illustrate on

graph 4. 2. State any productivity and pertinent cost problems and the resulting effects on graphs. 3. B. Long-run Costs (use graphs)

Graph #5: Long-run Profit or Loss (use MC, AR, ATC, and AR; shade where appropriate) (Based on the market model, what are the profit options in the long run, illustrate using graphs in the text)

1. State whether firm is earning a normal or economic profit, or a loss. Illustrate on

graph 5.

Graph #6: The Planning Curve: LRATC & Optimal Plant Size (Economies & Diseconomies of Scale) (Identify the correct shape of the LRATC based on the market model, identify appoximately where your company is (i.e. are they at lowest cost for the industry?))

1. Graph the LRATC, show economies and diseconomies of scale, and mark with an

“X” the company’s position.

III. Conclusion/Summary

A. Recapitulation of Findings

B. How could the economic problem be corrected? (How can they increase profits and maintain them

long term.

IV. Prediction for Future

A. State your personal prediction for the future. Support your answer.

In: Economics

What determines the inflation rate in the long run? How might inflation in the long run...

What determines the inflation rate in the long run? How might inflation in the long run be related to fiscal policy? What is seigniorage?

In: Economics

1. If the FR aims to raise interest rates and shift the AD curve to the...

1. If the FR aims to raise interest rates and shift the AD curve to the left, the FR would conduct open market operations to reduce the money supply.

A. True

B. False

2. According to the media release by Phillip Lowe, "a gradual further increase in underlying inflation is expected as the economy strength." All else constant, inflation arises when:

A.  The expenditure plans of agents exceed the supply of output by firms
B.  The earning plans of agents fall short of what they earn in the economy
C.  The currency appreciates in the foreign exchange market
D.  The government increases unemployment benefits

3. The Australian government is concerned about inter-generational equity problems. Key problems arise from a larger number of older retired people being supported by a smaller workforce of young people, and from ever increasing budget deficits to be paid for by younger people. Encouraging older people to stay in the labour force rather than retire would help fix this problem.

A. True

B. False

In: Economics

When a small country engages in free trade, what will be its domestic price? Where can...

When a small country engages in free trade, what will be its domestic price?

Where can you find the increase in total surplus when a small country engages in free trade?

If a small country puts a per-unit tariff on an imported product, will the world price of the product change? Why?

If a large country puts a per-unit tariff on an imported product, will the world price of the product change? Why?

In: Economics

A promises a 20% discount to a customer. The colleague B knows that the customer is...

A promises a 20% discount to a customer. The colleague B knows that the customer is compensated with a huge Christmas gift every year. Your boss asks B why the price is so low? B says the truth because B does not lie. Colleague A, a family father, is terminated. Here the consequence of the statements was catastrophic for A. From a sense of fellow humanity or compassion, B would better have said nothing, right? But what if B had said nothing and because of this order the company goes into the insolvency? You don’t lie. Her colleagues claim they have acquired many new customers. Instead, they were mediated by the subsidiary. Colleagues are promoted, you are not.   

Required: (a) Determine the ethical issues and dilemmas faced by the company in this situation.

(b) Using consequentialist approach describe the actions taken by the company.

(c) Elaborate the ethical issue based on Kant’s Theory of Duty.

(d) Describe the potential solutions that the company can take to resolve this situation.

The entire answer should not be more than 1,000 words (+/- 10%) (excluding preliminary pages such as Cover Page, Table of Contents, Reference Page, Declaration and Appendix). o The Assignment should be written with the following formatting:

In: Economics

What are the term structure of interest rates and the yield curve? Can the Fed act...

What are the term structure of interest rates and the yield curve? Can the Fed act to reduce long-term nominal interest rates after the fed funds rate reaches zero, How might it do this?

In: Economics

what would you consider unique relative to its competitor about cameco corporation product and service offering

what would you consider unique relative to its competitor about cameco corporation product and service offering

In: Economics

Give a realistic and unique example of how equilibrium prices (p*) and equilibrium quantity (q*) are...

Give a realistic and unique example of how equilibrium prices (p*) and equilibrium quantity (q*) are re-established after the puncturing of equilibrium (i.e., the demand and/or supply curve shift). Explain what would cause one or both of the curves to shift, if this would create a surplus or shortage, and the ensuing pressure to change this would have on prices and quantity purchased/sold as a result. Make sure to accurately discuss changes in quantity supplied or demanded vs. changes in supply or demand.  

Answer two thematic questions of the module: Are Markets Effective Tools and What Are Their Impacts? Use the economic concepts discussed in both Chapters 3 and 5 of the openstax microeconomic.

In: Economics