Social Security: Raising Retirement Age
Please provide multiple Pro's and Con's to raising the
retirement age for social security benefits.
How do GMOs relate to chemistry and everyday life? What are the
pro's and con's of using GMO's/Pesticides? What are the dangers
associated with their usage? Are there natural pesticides
available? Do they work as well?
What are the associated pro's and con's with healthcare services
advertising and report your findings in depth. Then,
communicate where you stand on the issue and justify your position
and why.
Name (2) Parenting Styles. Tell what are the Pro's and Con's
in each style in raising an Adolescent. (focus on the teenage
years) Use facts, research and your opinion.
There are PRO's and CON's to mounting and emulating the suspect
system. Post a short discussion item on some PRO's and CON's of
booting up a forensic image.
Describe what Pay-for-Performance Healthcare is and talk about
it's Pro's and Con's. Explain a couple of different models and
share the benefits of each. Do you feel it is something that can
help or hurt the overall quality of care given to patients?
What do you feel are the pro's and con's of each test?
Rorschach ink blot test
California Psychological Inventory
Minnesota Multiphasic personality Inventory (MMPI)
What Pro's and Con's do you envision coming from one Global
Central Bank (list and discuss)? Given your reasoning should there
be one Global Central Bank?
Do you think that large financial institutions should have been
rescued by the Fed during the Sub-Prime crisis?