ARIMA means Auto Regressive Integrated Moving
A time series is a sequence taken at successive equally spaced
points in time.
ARMA model is a tool for understanding and predicting future
values in this series.
There are different ARIMA structures for a time series
- If the series has positive autocorrelations out to a high
number of lags, then it probably needs a higher order of
- If the lag-1 autocorrelation is zero or negative, or the
autocorrelations are all small and patternless, then the series
does not need a higher order of differencing. If the lag-1
autocorrelation is -0.5 or more negative, the series may be
- The optimal order of differencing is often the order of
differencing at which the standard deviation is lowest.
- A model with no orders of differencing assumes that the
original series is stationary. A model with one order of
differencing assumes that the original series has a constant
average trend
- A model with no orders of differencing normally includes a
constant term