
In: Nursing

What populations may need lifespan management?

What populations may need lifespan management?


Expert Solution

Life span is the duration of existence of an individual or the amount of time that a person lives but due to emergence of chronic illness and other factors life expectancy of the peoples decreases over few decades or they do not live quality life. When normal life is compromised by any condition, lifespan management (LSM) comes in to supplement one’s life to continue living.

Populations or persons which may need lifespan management includes -

1. older peoples who are living alone or dont have any support - these people may need lifespan management because in old age these people may become weak that they can't do their proper care.

2. Persons who are suffering from any chronic illness or having mental health issue - nowdays chronic disease like diabetes , hypertension etc become very common and these disease also dont have any permanent cure. these disease neither pervented by any vaccines nor they just disappear by medicines.these disease can only be controlled by healthy lifestyle. so these people need lifespan management.

3 Persons who are seeking information about care - people become very much aware about their health these days.most peoples are always intersted towards exercise ,yoga, healthy diet etc. so one can provide lifespan management to these peoples

5. elderly patients who require frequent medical attention-elderly patients who require frequent medical attention may need lifespan management because they have low immunity power so with LSM they can boost their immunity too. for a patient with diabetes, it is important to make sure that they visit a health facility, but after that, they will be engaged in diet recommendation, nutrition, and mental stability; in this regard the patient cannot die prematurely but live with the disease.

The importance of lifespan management does include the enhancement of lifespan in humanity through methods other than medicine which could be incorporated into diet, exercise, and sports span manaagement provides -

1 personlized service

2 education about their aging

3 health care coordination

4 management of their medication

5 social support


management of chronic illness or their mental health

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