In: Nursing
Discuss what is meant by understanding the purpose of a research study
A research is a systematic search that uses disciplined methods to describe, explain, predict and control the observed phenomenon. The ultimate goal is to develop, refine and expand the body of knowledge. It may use inductive or deductive methods. Research is the systematic search to formulate and test the hypothesis. Nursing research is the systematic methods to make the nursing practice more evidence-based. Nurses make clinical decisions based on vast knowledge, experience and based on EBPs. Multiple paradigms in nursing research are not blinders instead they will help to sharpen the focus on the phenomenon of interest.
The general purpose of nursing research is to find out the answer to the questions and find a solution to the problems which are relevant to the nursing profession.
Research purpose states “why” the study is being carried out. In a research process, the purpose statement comes after the research question. The purpose statement contains the variables, target population and setting of study.
Basic Research: Basic research is done to improve the base of knowledge in a discipline or to refine a theory. This is more explorative and answers questions like what, why. Explorative research paves a stone for further research. It can be a new topic or new angle of a problem.
Applied research: It focuses on finding solutions to existing problems and thus very useful for EBP. Applied research uses the basic research as a baseline. It is more prescriptive in nature and explains how the phenomenon occurs.
Descriptive research: It explores and explain how the phenomenon occurs. Identifying and explaining and the process.
Evaluation research: It is the process and outcome of the phenomenon. It evaluates the effectiveness of the program.
Qualitative and Quantitative research:
Quantitative research is the collection and analysis of information in the form of numeric data which will be a systematic and controlled process. It uses highly rigid process.
Qualitative research: Subjective and narrative data is used and collected in qualitative research. It uses semi-structured and less structured methods for data collection.