In: Biology
Draw a graph for linear Scatchard and non-linear schatchard with explanation: Thanks
Scatchard graph is a analyyzing equilibrium ligand binding data as it is used to determine the number of ligand binding sites on a receptor, whether these sites show cooperative interactions, whether more than one classs of site exists, and the respective affinities of each site.
As experimental parameters are L is the free ligand concentration , and the average number of ligand molecules bound to a receptor , n. (R) is the concentration of the receptor series with i ligands bound . As receptor with a single class of noninteracting sites, receptor ligand binding follows scatchard equation.
A linear plot graph oin this The
intercept on the abscissa equals the total number of binding sites
in the receptor, and the slope equals -K and Ka is the intrinsic
equilibrium association constant.
Nonlinear scatchard plots are diagnostic of several more complex types of ligand receptor interaction .in this plot is concave downward show positive homotropic copperativity between binding sites on a allosteric receptor.fig 2