
In: Chemistry

1. Explain thoroughly how to utilize pKa Values to asses the position of an acid-base equiilibrim...

1. Explain thoroughly how to utilize pKa Values to asses the position of an acid-base equiilibrim reaction in ORGANIC CHEMISTRY

2. Discuss and explain throughly the different types of conformations, especially the chair conformation in ORGANIC CHEMISTRY


Expert Solution

1. Acid-base equilibrium in organic chemistry

The direction of a chemical reaction can be identified by knowing the pKa and pKb values for the acids and bases in the reaction. A highwr pKa means weaker acid and a lower pKa means stronger acid. Such that the low pKa compound would readily loose its hydrogen in the reaction to form conjugate base. So reaction would go from low pKa compound to a high pKa compound. Similarly for base high pKb means weak base and low pKb means string base. The reaction would prefer to go from low pKb to a high pKb compound structure.

2. Conformations in organic chemistry in acyclic compound and in cyclic compounds. In acyclic it is relative position of groups on adjacent carbon atoms. If the groups are overlapping each other, they are called eclipsed. If the groups are not eclipsing with each other, they are in staggered conformation. Such types of conformations are vissible in linear chain hydrocarbons. In cyclic compounds we have chair, boat, twist boat and half chair conformations. The most stable of all comformations is chair conformation which is having least steric crowding of groups in the structure.

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