
In: Finance

KEY CURRENCY CROSS RATES (09/16/2011) Country US $ Euro Pound Sfranc Peso Yen Can $ Canada...

Country US $ Euro Pound Sfranc Peso Yen Can $
Canada 0.9782 1.3496 C 1.1173 0.0749 0.0127 1
Japan 76.79 105.9465 121.2346 87.7099 5.8829 1 78.5013
Mexico 13.0531 B 20.608 14.9093 1 0.17 13.344
Switzerland A 1.2079 1.3822 D 0.0671 0.0114 0.895
U.K. 0.6334 0.8739 1 0.7235 0.0485 0.0082 G
E.U. 0.7248 1 1.1443 0.8279 0.0555 F 0.741
U.S. 1 1.3797 1.5788 1.1422 E 0.013 1.0223
Country US $ Euro Pound Sfranc Peso Yen Can $

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