
In: Computer Science

c++ please Your task is to write the implementation for a class of polynomial operations. Your...

c++ please

Your task is to write the implementation for a class of polynomial operations. Your will write the code for: 2 constructors, a destructor, print, addition, multiplication , differentiation and integration of polynomials. The polynomials will be comprised of linked TermNodes.

struct TermNode
int   exp; // exponent
double coef; // coefficient
TermNode * next;
class Polynomial
     Polynomial ();              // default constructor 
     Polynomial (int r, int c);                      // constructor makes a 1 node polynomial
    Polynomial(const Polynomial & );    // copy constructor
     ~Polynomial ();                 // destructor
     Polynomial   operator=(const Polynomial &); // assignment
     Polynomial   operator+ (const Polynomial & ) const;     // returns sum of the parameter + self 
     Polynomial   operator* (const Polynomial & ) const;
     Polynomial   differentiation();
     Polynomial   integration ();// (with 0 as the constant)              
     friend ofstream &   operator<< (ofstream & out, const Polynomial & rhs);           // coefficients printed to 2 decimal places
     TermNode  *firstTerm;  

Example Use of functions
Polynomial poly1; //makes a null polynomial 
Polynomial poly2(2,3); // makes the polynomial 2.00x^3 
Polynomial poly3(3,4); // makes the polynomial 3.00x^4 
poly1 = poly2 + poly3; // makes poly1 = 3.00x^4 + 2.00x^3 
cout<<poly1<<endl;  // prints out 3.0x^4 + 2.00x^3 
poly3 = poly2*poly1; // sets poly3 to 6.0x^7+4.00x^6 
poly4 = poly3.differentiation(); // sets poly4 to 42.00x^6+24.00x^5 
poly5 = poly1.integration(); // sets poly5 to .60x^5+.50x^4 


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

struct TermNode
int exp; // exponent
double coef; // coefficient
TermNode * next;
class Polynomial
Polynomial ();
Polynomial (double r, int c);
Polynomial(const Polynomial & );
~Polynomial ();

Polynomial operator=(const Polynomial &);
Polynomial operator+ (const Polynomial & ) const;
Polynomial operator* (const Polynomial & ) const;
Polynomial differentiation();
Polynomial integration ();
friend ostream & operator<< (ostream & out, const Polynomial & rhs);
TermNode *firstTerm;


// default constructor
   // initialize firstTerm to null
   this->firstTerm = NULL;

// Parameterized Constructor
Polynomial::Polynomial(double coeff , int exp)
   // declare and define node
   TermNode *node = new TermNode;
   //set exp
   node->exp = exp;
   //set coeff
   node->coef = coeff;
   //set next node to null
   node->next = NULL;
   // initialize firsstTerm to Node
   this->firstTerm = node;

// copy constructor
Polynomial::Polynomial(const Polynomial &p)
   TermNode *node, *prevNode = NULL, * head = NULL, * pNode;
   pNode = p.firstTerm;
   while(pNode != NULL)
       node = new TermNode;
       if(head == NULL)
           head = node;
       if(prevNode != NULL)
           prevNode->next = node;
       node->exp = pNode->exp;
       node->coef = pNode->coef;
       node->next = NULL;
       prevNode = node;
       pNode = pNode->next;
   this->firstTerm = head;
// Destructor
   delete firstTerm;
// Operator overloading: +
Polynomial Polynomial::operator+(const Polynomial &p) const
   TermNode * term_p1, * term_p2;
   TermNode *pNode,*prevNode = NULL, * head = NULL;
   Polynomial newP;
   // first term node of first polynomial
   term_p1 = this->firstTerm;
   // first term node of second polynomial
   term_p2 = p.firstTerm;

   // both nodes are not null
   while(term_p1!= NULL && term_p2 != NULL)
       pNode = new TermNode;
       pNode->next = NULL;
       // if head is null set head as current node
       if(head == NULL)
           head = pNode;
       // if exponents are same add the terms
       if(term_p1->exp == term_p2->exp)
           pNode->exp = term_p1->exp;
           pNode->coef = term_p1->coef + term_p2->coef;
           term_p1 = term_p1->next;
           term_p2 = term_p2->next;
       // else add the largest exponent to the list
       // and pass lowest to next iteration
       else if(term_p1->exp > term_p2->exp)
           pNode->exp = term_p1->exp;
           pNode->coef = term_p1->coef;
           term_p1 = term_p1->next;
           pNode->exp = term_p2->exp;
           pNode->coef = term_p2->coef;
           term_p2 = term_p2->next;
       // set next of previous node
       if(prevNode != NULL)
           prevNode->next = pNode;
       // set current node as previous node
       prevNode = pNode;
   // add the remaining terms to the chain
   while(term_p1 != NULL)
       pNode = new TermNode;
       pNode->next = NULL;
       if(prevNode != NULL)
           prevNode->next = pNode;
       prevNode = pNode;
       pNode->exp = term_p1->exp;
       pNode->coef = term_p1->coef;
       term_p1 = term_p1->next;
   // add the remaining terms to the chain
   while(term_p2 != NULL)
       pNode = new TermNode;
       pNode->next = NULL;
       if(prevNode != NULL)
           prevNode->next = pNode;
       pNode->exp = term_p2->exp;
       pNode->coef = term_p2->coef;
       term_p2 = term_p2->next;
   newP.firstTerm = head;
   return newP;
// Operator overloading: *
Polynomial Polynomial::operator*(const Polynomial &p) const
   TermNode * term_p1, * term_p2;
   TermNode *pNode,*prevNode = NULL, * head = NULL;
   Polynomial newP;
   term_p1 = this->firstTerm;
   term_p2 = p.firstTerm;
   // if 1st polynomial is null, assign the second as result
   if(term_p1 == NULL)
       newP = p;
   // if second is null, assign the first as result
   else if(term_p2 == NULL)
       newP = *this;
   // if both are not null, perform operation
       // for each term in polynomial 1
       while(term_p1 != NULL)
           term_p2 = p.firstTerm;
           // for each term in polynomial 2
           while(term_p2 != NULL)
               pNode = new TermNode;
               pNode->next = NULL;
               if(head == NULL)
                   head= pNode;
               if(prevNode != NULL)
                   prevNode->next = pNode;
               prevNode = pNode;
               // multiply coeffs
               pNode->coef = term_p1->coef*term_p2->coef;
               // add exponents
               pNode->exp = term_p1->exp+term_p2->exp;
               term_p2 = term_p2->next;
           term_p1 = term_p1->next;
   newP.firstTerm = head;
   return newP;
// Operator overloading: =
Polynomial Polynomial::operator=(const Polynomial &p)
   TermNode *node, *prevNode = NULL, * head = NULL, * pNode;
   pNode = p.firstTerm;
   while(pNode != NULL)
       node = new TermNode;
       node->exp = pNode->exp;
       node->coef = pNode->coef;
       node->next = NULL;
       if(head == NULL)
           head = node;
       if(prevNode != NULL)
           prevNode->next = node;
       // set previous node as next
       prevNode = node;
       // get next node
       pNode = pNode->next;
   this->firstTerm = head;
   return *this;
// Operator overlaoding: <<
ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, const Polynomial &rhs)
   TermNode *node;
   node = rhs.firstTerm;
   out <<fixed<<setprecision(2);
   while(node != NULL)
       out <<node->coef;
       // get next node
       node = node->next;
       if(node != NULL && node->coef > 0)
   return out;
Polynomial Polynomial::differentiation()
   Polynomial newP;
   TermNode *pNode, *node , *head = NULL, *prevNode=NULL;
   pNode = this->firstTerm;
   while(pNode != NULL)
       // differentiation performed only for exponent terms. constants become 0
       // x^1 will become constant
       if(pNode->exp != 0)
           node = new TermNode;
           if(head == NULL)
               head = node;
           // set coefficient;
           node->coef = pNode->coef*pNode->exp;
           // set exponent to exponent - 1
           node->exp = (pNode->exp - 1);
           // set next to null
           node->next = NULL;
           // if previous node is not null , set current node as
           // next to the previous
           if(prevNode != NULL)
               prevNode->next = node;
           // set previous node as next
           prevNode = node;
       pNode = pNode->next;
   newP.firstTerm = head;
   return newP;
Polynomial Polynomial::integration ()
   Polynomial newP;
   TermNode *pNode, *node , *head = NULL, *prevNode=NULL;
   pNode = this->firstTerm;
   while(pNode != NULL)
       node = new TermNode;
       if(head == NULL)
           head = node;
       // set coefficient;
       node->coef = pNode->coef/(pNode->exp+1);
       // set exponent to exponent - 1
       node->exp = (pNode->exp + 1);
       node->next = NULL;
       if(prevNode != NULL)
           prevNode->next = node;
       // set previous node as next
       prevNode = node;
       pNode = pNode->next;
   newP.firstTerm = head;
   return newP;
int main()
   Polynomial poly1,poly4,poly5; //makes a null polynomial
   Polynomial poly2(2,3); // makes the polynomial 2.00x^3
   Polynomial poly3(3,4); // makes the polynomial 3.00x^4
   poly1 = poly2 + poly3; // makes poly1 = 3.00x^4 + 2.00x^3
   cout<<poly1<<endl; // prints out 3.0x^4 + 2.00x^3
   poly3 = poly2*poly1; // sets poly3 to 6.0x^7+4.00x^6
   poly4 = poly3.differentiation(); // sets poly4 to 42.00x^6+24.00x^5
   poly5 = poly1.integration(); // sets poly5 to .60x^5+.50x^4

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