
In: Computer Science

Your task is to write a program in C or C++ that calculates the total amount...

Your task is to write a program in C or C++ that calculates the total amount of money a person has made over the last year. Your program will prompt the user for dollar amounts showing how much the user has made per job. Some users will have had more than one job, make sure your program allows for this. The program will print out the total made (all jobs) and will print out the federal and state taxes based on the total made. For this program, the federal tax will be 8.5% and the state tax will be 14.5%.

1)Use appropriate comments through out the program.

2)Create a header at the top showing the programmer, date of creation and class

3)Print out the source code, and 3 sample runs.

4)Make sure you insert appropriate instructions for the user.


1)No negatives are allowed (negative income), check for this.

2)You may use any loop type you wish - be able to defend your choice.


1)The source code of your completed, working program

2)3 sample runs of your program


Expert Solution

Here is the answer for your question in C++ Programming Language.

Kindly upvote if you find the answer helpful.



   Programmer : John Doe
   Date : 15/10/2020
   Class : ABC

using namespace std;

int main(){
   //Required variables and constants
   char choice = 'y';
   int noOfJobs,i=0;
   double earnings,totalEarned = 0,netIncome;
   const double salesTax = 0.085,stateTax = 0.145;
   //Greetings to the user
   cout << "====================================" << endl;
   cout << "\tINCOME CALCULATION" << endl;
   cout << "====================================" << endl;
   //Read jobs and their income of previous year as longs as user has additional jobs
   while(choice != 'n' && choice != 'N'){                  
       //Read job earnings of ih job
       cout << "Enter Job # " << (i+1) << "'s total income for the year : $";
       cin >> earnings;
       //Validate whether earnings are negative value
       while(earnings < 0 ){
           cout << "Income cannot be negative..Try again" << endl;
           cout << "Enter Job # " << (i+1) << "'s total income for the year : $";
           cin >> earnings;              
       //Sum up earnings
       totalEarned += earnings;  
       //Increment i value by 1
       //Ask whether user had additional job
       cout << endl << "Did you work for additional job in the same year[Y/N]?";
       cin >> choice;
       cout << endl;
   //Calculate net income
   netIncome = totalEarned - ((totalEarned*salesTax) + (totalEarned*stateTax));
   //Display total income,taxes and net income
   cout << endl << "================================================" << endl;
   cout << "\tEARNINGS OF PREVIOUS YEAR" << endl;
   cout << "================================================" << endl;
   cout << "Total Income : $" << totalEarned << endl;
   cout << "Sales Tax Amount deducted: $" << (totalEarned*salesTax) << endl;
   cout << "State Tax Amount deducted: $" << (totalEarned*stateTax) << endl;
   cout << "Net Income : $" << netIncome << endl;
   cout << "================================================" << endl;
   return 0;



Please see the screenshots of the code below for the indentations of the code.



Any doubts regarding this can be explained with pleasure :)

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