Difference between Impairment and depreciation
- Impairment loss is the amount by which carrying amount exceeds
its recoverable amount whereas depreciation is systematic
allocation of depreciable amount of an asset over its useful
- There are different methods for calculating depreciation
example Striaght line method , Diminishing balance method whereas
impairment is the difference between carrying amount and
recoverable amount (Recoverable amount is higher of fair value less
cost to sell and its value in use recoverable amount).
- Depreciation is applicable to property ,plant and equipment
only whereas impairment has wider scope it applicable to other
assets also like financial asset, Intangible assets ,investment in
- Reversal of impairment loss is possible when it meets criteria,
there is no such thing incase of depreciation.
- Depreciation is reduction value of asset due to usage, wear and
tear , obsolescence due technological changes whereas causes of
impairment are much wider such as physical damages,changes in
interest rate, decline in market value,etc.
- Impairment computed after adjusting depreciation on respective
- Entity shall assess at the end of the each reporting period
whether there is any indication that an asset may be
impaired,whereas depreciation should be charged continously when
asset ready for use or put in to use.