
In: Nursing

using empirical research checklist search for empirical article and write an annotation concise summary in your...

using empirical research checklist search for empirical article and write an annotation concise summary in your own words and APA format (1) Does breastfeeding help to reduce the risk of childhood obesity (2) a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of lifestyle modification on metabolic control in overweight children?


Expert Solution

1) Does breastfeeding help to reduce the risk of childhood obesity

Wang, L., Collins, C., Ratliff, M., Xie, B., & Wang, Y. (2017). Breastfeeding Reduces Childhood Obesity Risks. Childhood obesity (Print), 13(3), 197–204. to

I located this source using a google search with the keywords, breastfeeding, risk, childhood obesity. The article is a research article which examined the effects of breastfeeding and its duration on the development of childhood obesity from 24 months through grade 6. The primary audience of this article would be doctors, researchers and other healthcare professionals. This article provides many facts supported by documentation that would meet the expectations of the expected audience. The study findings revealed that breastfeeding at 1 month and more than 6 months reduced the risk of childhood obesity. Rate of breastfeeding was low in the United States in the 1990s, which may have had long-term implications on children. The investigators presented the article in a simple and understandable manner, especially about the logistic regression models and generalized estimating equation (GEE).This article is current having been published in 2017. The references for this article are current with most being published within the last few years. I don’t detect any biases. The information is factual and scientific and the works sited is extensive and shows a lot of work was put into the research.  Liang Wang is an associate professor in Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology and Associate Director of China-Tennessee Health Education Training Institute. The primary author is a renowned epidemiologist who published famous books on public health and with more than 100 publications under his creditI. think this article will be used in future research as United States attempts to address the obesity epidemic that has consumed our nation.

Emperical Research Check list

ABSTRACTS An abstract of the contents is pro Yes
INTRODUCTION The purpose of the study is stated. Yes
The scope of the study is stated. Yes
A rationale for the study is provided. Yes
The hypothesis or research question is stated. Yes
Key concepts and terms are noted. Yes
A review of the literature is provided. Yes
METHODS A description of the population sample is provided. Yes
The data collection procedure is presented. Yes
Other procedures to be used are described. Yes
RESULTS A narrative statement of the findings is given. Yes
A description of the data collected is given. Yes
Findings are supported by graphs and charts. Yes
The analysis of the data is explained. Yes
CONCLUSION A summary of the study is provided. Yes
Conclusions related to the hypothesis are stated. Yes
Questions for future research are presented. Yes

References used in the study are presented.


2.) A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of lifestyle modification on metabolic control in overweight children?

Lien, A. S. Y., Tsai, J. L., Lee, J. T., Wu, M. Y., Jiang, Y. D., & Yen, H. R. (2017). A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of lifestyle modification on metabolic control in overweight children. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017.

I located this source using a google search with the keywords, metaanalysis,life style modification, metabolic control, over weight in children. The article is a review research article which integrated the results from relevant studies by following the systematic review and meta-analysis guidelines outlined in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement. The author's queried six relevant electronic databases and manually searched for studies published before December 2016.The authors conducted a comprehensive literature search of the PubMed, Cochrane, EMBASE, Cinahl, ProQuest dissertation and thesis, and PsychINFO databases and manually searched for studies published before December 2016. The authors aimed to determine the effects of lifestyle modification programs on fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels in overweight children. The review concluded that  Lifestyle modification can modestly reduce FPG in overweight/obese children. Further large-scale studies with longer follow-up duration are warranted to examine the effects of lifestyle modification on type 2 diabetes mellitus prevention, especially in Asian countries. The major strength of this review article is the authors identified 572 articles, including 5 relevant systematic reviews retrieved by manual search. After 332 duplicates studies were removed, the abstracts of all of the identified articles were reviewed independently by 2 authors. The primary audience of this article would be doctors, researchers and other healthcare professionals. This article provides many facts supported by documentation that would meet the expectations of the expected audience. The resources shared on this article are properly cited and credited which indicates the information has been throughly researched and is accurate.

Emperical Research Check list

ABSTRACTS An abstract of the contents is pro Yes
INTRODUCTION The purpose of the study is stated. Yes
The scope of the study is stated. Yes
A rationale for the study is provided. Yes
The hypothesis or research question is stated. Yes
Key concepts and terms are noted. Yes
A review of the literature is provided. Yes
METHODS A description of the population sample is provided. Yes
The data collection procedure is presented. Yes
Other procedures to be used are described. Yes
RESULTS A narrative statement of the findings is given. Yes
A description of the data collected is given. Yes
Findings are supported by graphs and charts. Yes
The analysis of the data is explained. Yes
CONCLUSION A summary of the study is provided. Yes
Conclusions related to the hypothesis are stated. Yes
Questions for future research are presented. Yes

References used in the study are presented.


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