Decision Making is an important part of a manager's job and
should done with rational mind by eleminating the all the errors.
But the various steps of decision making process can involve
following potential mistakes.
- 1.Information:- lack or bulk of information is the potential
mistake which a manager has to avoid. A decision should be based on
facts.This makes information collection an important job. Gathering
information is very important in approaching the decision making
process, but it’s important to identify how much background
information is truly required. An overload of information can leave
you confused and misguided, and prevents you from following your
intuition.Tgis problem can be avoided by collection of facts only
from reliable source and collection should be based only on
requirements.relying on one single source of information can lead
to bias and misinformation, which can have disastrous effects down
the line.
- 2. Identification of problems:- In many cases,
the issues surrounding your decision will be obvious. However,
there will be times when the decision is complex and you aren’t
sure where the main issue lies. Conduct thorough research and speak
with internal experts who experience the problem firsthand in order
to mitigate this.
- 3.Overconfidence :-if we follow each steps of
the decision making process, there is still a chance that the
outcome won’t be exactly what you had in mind. That’s why it’s so
important to identify a valid option that is plausible and
achievable. Being overconfident in an unlikely outcome can lead to
adverse results.Manager should not be overconfidence but within the
lines of their authority and responsibility.
- 4.Corrective action and Review:-The mistakes can include flaws
in the review of plans and their corrective action. To avoid these
problems a proper mechanism of planning standard , comparison and
corrective actions should be prepared.