In: Psychology
According to the psychoanalytic theory given by Sigmund Freud, when an individual experiences anxiety they tend to use defense mechanisms to deal with that anxiety so as to you not reflected in their personalities. Defense mechanism can be of the following types-
1. Denial- is one of the most widely used defense mechanisms which involve denying the existence of anxiety as the contributing factors. This is very common to observe when someone is for example grieving or is experiencing sad emotions.
2. Repression- Repression refers to repression of emotions and expressions into the unconscious mind to prevent experiencing unsavory thoughts and painful memories. Repression can sometimes occur without the knowledge of the individual for example if an individual experiences trauma from an accident they may not be able to recall the memories of the accident because they are repressed into their unconscious mind.
3. Projection- Projection refers to Projection of emotions by an individual upon themselves instead of expressing them. In simple terms, we can understand with an example, if an individual experience is the feeling of hatred towards another person, instead of accepting that they hate them they might project as the person instead hates the individual.
Hope this helps; please like for efforts.