In: Psychology
Recently-developed social networking websites (such as Facebook) are corrosive to ‘real’ community. Please explain why you agree or disagree. Can someone help we form an opinion and three arguments to support that opinion? Please give explanation in 750 words.
Man is a social animal and in a society we live in active cooperation with each other. Social interaction is helpful in many respects and it helps us to live peacefully. with the advancement of the modern civilization we find that there are many changes in the field of communication. Today in our life social media have taken and important place and almost all the people are increased in social media. Now the communication is based on machine not in face to face communication. It has both good merits and bad influences and we are already in great problem for the adverse influences of the social media in our daily life.
Now the young people are engaged most of the time in in social media. There are many interesting things to attract the people. One can get friend beyond his own country and with the help of social media one gets friendship of many unknown persons. it is very harmful to the people because their mind is not so matured and any time they can be deceived by them. In the social media we find many harmful chains and these chains always try to trap many people. To do so they use many alluring means so that the people are attracted to them. Naturally they are easily deceived.
For the social media young people are detached from his or her own society. Not only the young people but also the middle aged people and even old people are also engaged most of the time in social media. therefore social interactions become limited today. It is surprising enough that one does not know his own neighbours' name and it is also so very interesting and sorry to mention that the young children forget the test of social interactions. Now we do not find many people in the playground and in the locality we do not listen to the cries of the young children. even the guardians are also attracted to the social media and they do not feel the harms caused by the social media.
Social interaction is the only way for socialization and the young people become aware of the social norms, systems and customs with the help of the the social members and community members. The transmission of the culture is only possible if there is good social interaction and all the people work together. In the time of festival and family ceremony is the social and community members gather and exchange their views with each other. It increases the reliability of the neighbouring people to each other and it also increases a sense of cooperation in the people. But such a smooth way of life is totally hampered with the destructive activities of social media.
Social media is also a main cause of generation gap. Today the aged people are lonely because of the detachment of the young people from them. The aged people are victim of many E dangerous mental problems and they suffer from mental disorder due to the gap in the family and the family members do not have time for them. They suffer from loneliness and depression. the social media is one of the prime responsible for causing such depression and loneliness To The aged people. on the other hand the younger people are far am I from the older people and there is also the discontinuation of traditions and culture. The young people do not have any interest to preserve their tradition and culture. On the other hand with the help of social media they grow and interest to the global culture. It is the example of the erosion of culture.
In every family there is a culture and the elders of the family try to preserve the culture. The culture depends on the community and the cultures followed by the members of the community are always helpful for the development of the children. but now the children are so involved and they are victim of mental problems. They do not have their own culture and therefore they are attracted to some bad cultures. Sometimes they grow such a bad habits that they even commit suicide to get relief from such bad habit. the statistics tell that most of the young children in the present generation are victim of the mental disorders because of their lack of social contact.
It is the time for realization the problem of the social media. We must be aware about the danger of the social media and we must try to control ourselves. This effort should be started from every corner. There should be the moral lesson in the schools so that the children are aware of their self confidence and self esteem. again the versions should be more aware about the problems of the social media and this should not allow the children any kind of device so that they are engaged in in the addiction of the social media. If it continues we will face every dangerous and insecure future. We cannot leave the use of social media as there are many good aspects. But we should have control over its use.