
In: Operations Management

Recall two (2) media appeals that you have recently noticed on Facebook, or another social media...

Recall two (2) media appeals that you have recently noticed on Facebook, or another social media source. Discuss these two (2) examples of message appeals in your blog post. Provide a detailed description, and judge whether the appeals are effective for that product or company.


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We all know that nowadays whole world is facing coronavirus pandemic. Precautions to avoid the virus are spreaded all over the world by using different media platforms. Recently, on social media, appeals for using some specific products are spreading. Examples of two products are as follows:

  • Sanitizer
  • Masks


  • Sanitizers should be used to wash hands and other things to avoid coronavirus.
  • Alcohol based sanitizers are appealed to use if possible.
  • Many companies are appealing to use sanitizers for washing hands.
  • In the appeals ingredients of the sanitizers are also being showed.
  • Benefits of using any kind of sanitizers are also being showed in the appeals.


  • Masks should be used to avoid any kind of connection with the others especially breath.
  • Appeals are on social media about using the masks in home and outside home.
  • Two types of masks are appealed for i.e. washable and use and throw purpose masks.
  • Techniques of making masks are also being showed in the appeals.
  • Washing techniques are also suggested in the appeals.
  • How masks are beneficial in the prevention of coronavirus is also being showed in the appeals.
  • home made masks are also getting promoted in the appeals.

So, these are two examples of products for which social media is appealing nowadays to avoid coronavirus.

Let's discuss these appeals are effective or not, if effective, how is it effective?

Yes, appeals for these products are very effective recently. Showing some facts to show the effectiveness of the appeals:

  • People are buying sanitizers frequently.
  • Demand for sanitizers is very high in the market.
  • Sanitizer companies have to increase the production of sanitizers.
  • Demand for masks is also very high in the market.
  • Supply of masks is not sufficient in the markets due to high demand.
  • People are making masks at home as showed in the appeals.
  • Companies related to mask manufacturing are increasing their production.
  • Companies who are not in the field of mask making also entering the field.
  • New businesses have been generated due to the crisis of masks and sanitizers.
  • Income sources for new or unemployed people are getting generated by the crisis.
  • Appeals are also showing the positive impacts of this crisis as people are getting opportunities to earn.
  • Government is also initiating the home production of masks and sanitizers by purchasing thus providing income for the makers.
  • These appeals are very effective as they have generated opportunities for small businesses for the people.
  • Appeals are effective because people are more health concerned now due to the appeals.
  • Appeals are effective for the products like masks and sanitizers as the demand is very high.
  • Appeals created more business for the existing companies of sanitizers and masks by spreading awareness.

So, by considering the above points we can say these appeals on social media are very effective as people are following them and business is getting generated.

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