In: Nursing
What are the steps of a root cause analysis?
Root cause analysis or RCA is a method followed by health care organisations to identify and adress the root causes of patient's condition for safety of the patient and his family and health care provider. There are many steps that are followed by the health care organisations for root cause analysis. They are described below =
1. Define the problem = it is the first and foremost step of RCA. Here close and trustworthy relationship has to form with the client. Then proper baseline data has to collect related to the problem. Then clearly define the actual problem.
2. Collection of data = here in this step the details information related to the client's problem is collected. As more data as possible should be collect from the client and his family members or relatives.
3. Analyse the data = in this step the data that are collect are thoroughly analysis. And put them in a sequencial order.
4. Find the root cause = after analysis of the data the main priority cause has to identify and again analysis the cause.
5. Identify possible solutions = some possible solutions has to identify through discussing with the client. Then choose the proper solution based on clients concent.
6. Evaluation and follow up = the last stape to evaluate the effectiveness of the solution. And some follow up session has to maintain to supervise the patient's improvement. If no improvement occurs then start the process from first.
These are the steps of root cause analysis.