In: Statistics and Probability
healing time | treatment |
21 | placebo |
22 | placebo |
22 | placebo |
21 | placebo |
22 | placebo |
21 | placebo |
20 | placebo |
22 | placebo |
21 | placebo |
21 | placebo |
22 | placebo |
23 | placebo |
21 | placebo |
22 | placebo |
21 | placebo |
16 | arnica low |
15 | arnica low |
16 | arnica low |
15 | arnica low |
15 | arnica low |
16 | arnica low |
16 | arnica low |
15 | arnica low |
15 | arnica low |
16 | arnica low |
15 | arnica low |
16 | arnica low |
16 | arnica low |
15 | arnica low |
15 | arnica low |
16 | arnica high |
16 | arnica high |
16 | arnica high |
16 | arnica high |
15 | arnica high |
15 | arnica high |
16 | arnica high |
16 | arnica high |
16 | arnica high |
15 | arnica high |
16 | arnica high |
16 | arnica high |
15 | arnica high |
16 | arnica high |
15 | arnica high |
15 | staphis low |
15 | staphis low |
16 | staphis low |
16 | staphis low |
15 | staphis low |
16 | staphis low |
15 | staphis low |
15 | staphis low |
16 | staphis low |
16 | staphis low |
16 | staphis low |
15 | staphis low |
15 | staphis low |
16 | staphis low |
15 | staphis low |
16 | staphis high |
16 | staphis high |
16 | staphis high |
15 | staphis high |
15 | staphis high |
16 | staphis high |
16 | staphis high |
16 | staphis high |
15 | staphis high |
16 | staphis high |
15 | staphis high |
16 | staphis high |
15 | staphis high |
15 | staphis high |
16 | staphis high |
(a): Null and Alternative Hypothesis:
In words:
H0 : There is no significant difference between the mean of healing time of five group.
H1 : There is a significant difference between the mean of healing time of five group.
other way:
Using SPSS Software:
Make variable in Variable View:
Give name of five category in
treament variable click on three dots in Values Column:
Enter the data in Data View:
Now Use One Way ANOVA:
Steps in SPSS: Analyze-->Compare Means-->One Way ANOVA
Select the healing time data in Dependent List and treatment in Factor and then Click on Post Hoc:
Tick on the Tukey For Multilple Comparisons and Continue and OK:
F-Staistics with degree of freedom (4,70) = 332.500 and P-value = 0.000
(c): P-value is less than 0.05, so we reject the null hypothesis.
Here p-value between placebo and arnica low , plaebo and arnica high , placebo and staphis low & placebo and staphis high is less than 0.05, it is means there is significant difference.
Here p-value between arnica low and arnica high , arnica low and staphis low & arnica low and staphis high is greater than 0.05, it is means there is no significant difference.
Here p-value between arnica high and staphis low & arnica high and staphis high is greater than 0.05, it is means there is no significant difference.
Here p-value between staphis low and staphis high is greater than 0.05, it is means there is no significant difference.