
In: Physics

A Carnot engine uses air as the working substance, receives heat at a temperature of 315oC,...

A Carnot engine uses air as the working substance, receives heat at a temperature of 315oC, and rejects it at 65oC. The maximum possible cycle pressure is 6.0MPa and the minimum volume is 0.95 liters. When heat is added, the volume increases by 250%. Determine the pressure and volume at each state in the cycle.


Expert Solution

Initial temperature T = 315 o C = 315 +273 = 588 K

Initial pressure P = The maximum possible cycle pressure = 6.0MPa = 6 x10 6 Pa

Initial volume V = minimum volume = 0.95 liters =0.95 x10 -3 m 3

State 2 :     from 1 to 2 is isothermal process

Temperature T' = T = 588 K

Volume V ' = 250 % of V = 2.5 V = 2.5 x 0.95x10 -3 = 2.375 x10 -3 m 3

Pressure P ' = ?

In isothermal process , P' V ' = PV

P ' = PV / V '

       = (6MPa)(V) / 2.5 V

       = 2.4 MPa

State 3 : from 2 to 3 is adiabatic expansion

Temperature T " = 65 o C = 65 + 273 = 338 K

Volume V " = ?

In adiabatic process , TV r-1 = constant

T " V " r-1 = T ' V ' r-1

           T " / T ' = ( V ' / V " ) r-1

Where r = ratio of specific heats = 1.4

So, 338 / 588 = (2.375 / V " ) 0.4

          0.5748 = (2.375 / V " ) 0.4

(2.375 / V " )= 0.5748 1/0.4

                    = 0.2505

                V " = 9.48 lit

Pressure P " = ?

In adiabatic process , PV r = constant

P "V" r = P'V' r

     P " = P ' ( V ' / V " ) r

          = (2.4 MPa)(2.375 /9.48) 1.4

          = 0.3456 MPa

State 4 :   3 to 4 is isothermal

So, Temperature T"' = T" = 338 K

1 to 4 is adiabatic


T"' V "' r-1 = TV r-1

From this you find V"'

Using this V"' you find P"' by using P"' V"' r = PV r

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