In: Computer Science
Assume that you have an array of 100 elements representing the grades students are stored in memory. Suppose the grades are in IEEE single precision format. Write a MIPS program to compute the average of the students grades and store the result in register $f0. Assume the array base address is stored in register $s0 and a floating point value of 100 is stored in memory with it address given in register $s2.
Please find the answer below.
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grade: .float
size: .float 100.0
msg4: .asciiz "\nAverage of grades is : "
.globl main
#address of size
la $s2,size
#save address of array
la $s0,grade
#load size of 100
li $t1,100
#set index i=0
li $t0,0
#if i==100 jump to exit
beq $t0,$t1,addLoopExit
#get index of i
mul $t2,$t0,4
#get address of array[i]
add $t2,$t2,$s0
#load value from the address
l.s $f2,($t2)
#store number to sum
add.s $f0,$f0,$f2
addi $t0,$t0,1
#jump to loop
j add_loop
#break of loop
#load 100
l.s $f12,($s2)
#get average
div.s $f12,$f0,$f12
li $v0, 4
la $a0, msg4
#print float
li $v0,2