
In: Computer Science

C++ Code ***User Interface Write a program that offers an easy way to add items, remove...

C++ Code

***User Interface

Write a program that offers an easy way to add items, remove the last item, look at the last item put in the list. You will write all of the code for processing the stack - do not use any predefined objects in C++.  You decide how the interface will look. A menu driven program is always a good choice.

***Rules for program***

  • NEVER use break, exit, return, pass, continue or anything to leave a loop (or iteration), function, or other construct prematurely, unless it is part of the structure as in a case statement.
  • NEVER use global variables. However, you may use global constants if it is appropriate and they are used properly.
  • Should only have only one return statement in a function. (Exception – Multiple return statements may be necessary in a recursive function.)

****PLEASE READ**** Additional information for program below.

Write a program to keep up with a collection of "Item" objects. ( Please put comments on all functions other than main to describe purpose)

create a class “Item” with the following private data attributes:

  • Item name (string)
  • Color (string)

For this lab have separate files in a project. Put your class definitions in header files and the implementations of the methods in a .cpp file.

You will have the following public methods:

  • Accessors and mutators for each attribute
  • Constructor that initializes the attributes to nulls (empty string)

Create another class to implement a stack of "Items" using an array-based implementation.

Your stack class should include the following operations:

  1. isEmpty – tell whether there are any entries in the stack
  2. push – add another item
  3. pop – remove the top item
  4. peek – look at the item on top
  5. display - displays the items in the stack indicating where the top is (this one just gives and easy way for me to see what is in the stack as I test your program)


Expert Solution

Program to implement stack functions using array implementation:

// In this array has a pair two string value called item_name and color,

//peek - method to display top element;

//isempty - to check stack is empty;

//push - to add element in the stack class;

//pop - to remove last inserted data;

// display - to show all the data in the stack class;

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Item{ // Item class is created here


    pair<string,string> stack[100]; // Here is the pair of item_name and color and size of array is 100

    int n=100; // n here is used to know the size of array

    int top=-1; // top here is used to check the top element index and also used to check empty stack and full stack

    void push(string item_name,string color) { // push method takes two argument item_name and color

    if(top>=n-1)  // if loop is to check the stack is full aur not

     cout<<"Stack is full"<<endl;

    else {

      stack[top]=make_pair(item_name,color); // if not full we push or add the pair of item_name and color

      top++; // and increment the value of top to add another data in next index



void isEmpty(){  // isempty is used to check stack is empty or not

     if(top<=-1){ // if the top value is -1 or less than -1 then the stack is empty

        cout<<"Stack is empty"<<endl;



void peek(){  // peek is used to display top element of stack

    if(top<=-1){ // check whether the stack is empty or not

        cout<<"Stack is empty"<<endl;



        cout<<stack[top].first<<" "<<stack[top].second<<endl; // if not empty then display the current position of top in stack array



void pop() { // here pop method is used to delete element which is last inserted


   cout<<"Stack is empty"<<endl;

   else {

      top--; // in this we decrement the value of top so that access to last inserted data is not possible



void display() { // display is used to show all the elements in the stack array

   if(top>=0) { // show only when stack is not empty

      for(int i=top; i>=0; i--) // for loop to iterate over the stack array

      cout<<stack[i].first<<" "<<stack[i].second<<endl;

   } else

   cout<<"Stack is empty";



int main() {

    Item t; // create a object of Item class

    t.push("Apple","red"); // Push element in the Item Stack class





    t.pop(); // pop last inserted element in the Item Stack Class



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