In: Computer Science
I need a paragraph on what the Gherkin language is. What is it used for? How do we use it? What are the good and bad things about it?
what the Gherkin language ?
Gherkin language is a domain-specific language that helps you to explain business behavior without the necessity to travel into detail of implementation. The scripts of gherkin acts as documentation and skeleton of your automated tests. Gherkin relies on TreeTop Grammar which exists in 37+ languages. Therefore you'll be able to write your gherkin scripts in 37+ spoken languages.
What is it used for ?
Since gherkin is structured natural-language,it is utilized by business analysts to specify how they require the system to behave for given scenarios. The Gherkin language is straightforward. It uses about 10 keywords (Given, When, Then, And, But, Scenario, Feature, Background, Scenario Outline, Examples) which permit the language to be read and parsed by an automation tool called Cucumber, which is a testing tool and supports behaviour driven development {BDD} framework.
How do we use it?
Feature : Login functionality of the social
networking site Facebook.
Given: I am a facebook user.
When: I enter the username as a username.
And I enter the password as the password
Then I should be redirected to the home page
The scenario stated above is of a feature called user-login.
In Example words written in bold are keywords of gherkin
What are the good and bad things about it?
Good Things:
Bad Things: