In: Statistics and Probability
a. Note : This question is based on a particular object, please provide the data file.
b) What is the meaning of the following abbreviations:
rm - remove : Remove an object from the environment.
sum - summation : Addition of a number
prod - product
seq - sequence
sd - standard deviation
nrow - no of rows.
(c) For what purpose are the following functions useful:
grep - it is used to change if a string contains a particular
string or character.
apply - it is used to apply a particular function over all the rows or columns as defined by the user.
gl helps to generate factors by indicating the pattern of their levels.
library - It is used to load a particular package in the current R session.
source - using this command you can call another R script into the current R session.
setwd - helps you set the current working directory.
history - It helps to recall the last 25 commands that were used.
str - it give you the structure of the dataframe or the Robject.