In: Psychology
If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do? essay.
"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking".
[Marcus Aurelius]
We take birth and we die. This is a continous process that never cease to exist. From childhood to our deathbed, we work hard, we struggle, we face certain difficult situations just to have a better future. And how do we often define better future? The idea of better future consists of a secure four walls of our health inside which we seek confort and pleasure. Pleasure drives most of us, and we seek it quite seriously. Deattachment from the wordly desires and pleasures bring us closer to godliness but it is not possible to completely deattach from them. God created us not to suffer in the adverse conditions but to use the conditions in our favour and fathom. He gave us a tool to achieve the same, and that is - Brain. But insted of ejoying our lives, we keep fighting with our brain and unknowingly wait for our death.
I have always been very curious about the mystery of death, though I fear it also. I want to experience certain things, explore certain places and do certain things before my death. But if life gives me a shock and I have only 24 hours to live,It is impossible to realise all of them.
Every human being has a fair share of responsibilities that he has to carry upon his shoulder. I would unburden myself from those responsibilities. I will be an individual again who would like to cherish the freedom of being individual again.
There are some people in my life whom I consider to be closest. I will call everyone and invite them for a dinner. I will leave my place soon after. I will go to a bank and will withdraw all my savings. Then I will visit a school of disabled kids. I will buy some stuff for them and donate rest of the amount to that school. I always wanted to open a school for these special kids. They are the most vulnerable and the most neglected part of the society. It will give me immense joy and satisfaction.
After that, I will donate my organs. Tomorrow, I won't be there to see the sunlight, hills or the blues, but someone with my eyes will soon be able to see those. My body will help many people to have a rejuvination of new life. it's our duty to make our world more bearable than before and I will be able to do that atleast for a few.
Rest of the day, I will spend with my love of life on a beach. I will appreciate the beauty around me. Though I always have appreciated the beauty of the nature and have lived at fullest, i would not let anything to pass. I will capture everything in my mind so that when I will be on my bed for the last time, I will remember it and feel escatic.
I will have dinner with my people. I will have a good memory and will create good memory for them as well, so that when they remember me, they remember me as a good companion rather than just from my profession. I won't have any regrets or baggages of the past.
When I will go to my bed, I will make sure it will be cosiest bed I ever slept upon. I will have my lover for one last intimacy, to exchange a few kisses, for a good-bye. I will ask my lover to move on. Then I will close my eyes for one last time.
Though no pages of the history book will have the mention of my name, I will be happy and satisfied. It's really great to achieve something wonderful, but life is not meant to be like this always. Sometimes all that is required is to sit and enjoy all it has to offer. Last day of my life will be happist of all.