In: Computer Science
Explain the idea of human-centered design
and explain four characteristics of mental models
Draw the mixed-reality continuum
1) Human Centered Design : is used in design and management framework to develop a solution for a problem with human perspective. It is used in an interactive system to develop an environment for better user interaction. This increases user satisfaction, accessibility by giving the application a human touch. While it is a step forward in the future it is has also received a lot of criticism.
2) Characteristics of Mental Models: (i) Since this process is evolving, it is incomplete.
(ii) Mental models are not accurate representation of the process taking places and they contain errors.
(iii) Mental models provide a more defined and simplified solution of a complex situation.
(iv) Since mental models are based on possibility. They often contain measures of uncertainty which allow it to be used even if they are not correct. Understanding both correct and incorrect outcome is important because it will effect the user experience.
The diagram of Mixed - Reality is shown below :