What programs would you suggest to rebuild trust between the
police and the community?
What programs would you suggest to rebuild trust between the
police and the community?
Expert Solution
While rebuilding that trust can be hard, it’s not impossible,
and police and law agencies across the nation have taken measures
to improve their relationships with the communities in which they
Through specialized training, community outreach programs and
by recognizing the importance of internal affairs and
interdepartmental accountability, police departments are once again
bolstering the trust and communication within their
The mission of Strategies for Youth is to improve police and
youth relations through interaction. Through constructive dialogue,
each side learns about the other and in the process decreases
tension and hostility toward the police.
There are several things police departments can do to build
trust and legitimacy, beginning with departmental transparency.
When the community knows the policies and procedures the police
use, and when the police follow those established procedures and
hold their officers accountable when the procedures are not
followed, the people in the communities begin to again trust the
police force hired to protect and serve them.
Police have to get out in the community they serve and engage
in non-enforcement activities showing they are the guardian of the
people and not a warring faction with the people. In diverse
communities, the police force should mirror the population as far
as cultural and race dispersion.
This may entail hiring a more diverse police force that
supports the race, gender, language, life experience and cultural
background of the people they serve.
When the police work with members of the community to establish
how they want to be policed, it not only builds trust within the
community as they have part ownership of the policy and procedures
agreed upon but opens lines of communication. It strengthens the
ideal that the police and people of the community should be
partners, not opponents.
Police and community working together to develop comprehensive
violence prevention plans
Discuss ethics and trust as critical aspects for
sustainable business and suggest how you would instill these if you
were a CEO of an international company
The past few years have seen an erosion of trust between the
police and the general public. This is not the first time this has
occurred in US history, but is a "current
issue" that continues to make news. This is a good
time to look at how we "measure police effectiveness".
After reading the article "The Good Cop: Knowing The Difference
Between Lawful and Effective Policing and Rightful Policing- And
Why It Matters"
a. Compare and contrast "Lawful/Effective Policing"...
you ran a police department what training would you require for
your police officers that might help reduce the possibility that
they would initially miss handle the case and turn in it is it says
backed into a prime suspect?
What government, community, and private programs are you aware
of that address the needs of hungry children and families in the
United States? What else needs to be done to address this