In: Psychology
You've walked into your 10 am class and the teacher announces you have an exam. You realize in that moment that you have completely forgotten and are unprepared. Considering all brain divisions and structures discussed last week, please discuss your response to this scenerio and all brain structures that would be involved. Be sure to include a rationale for why you selected each brain region based on their function.
The problem discussed above is called mind blanks .
There are three brain regions which are responsible for this matter:
a) Hypothalamus :
It serves as a bridge between the physical feelings and emotions. This region has strong link with that of endocrine system , which generates a substantial maount of hormones in our body .
b) HIppocampus :
It is a subcortical structure.
This region of the brain helps in learning issues and in the development / retrieval of information.It is through which the information is passed and exits as well .
c) Pre frontal cortex:
This part of the brain is located behind our eyes . The functioninf of this part include:
During mind blanks , certain hormones flow in our body in a faster rate . Hence , that is when these 3 regions of the brain affects the brain .