In: Computer Science
C Programming question part 3: The following program is an emergency hospital patient admitting process. This program needs a few changes to be sufficient for the hospital. The social security number needs to be encrypted. The hospital would like to do this by having you create a function will accept as input a properly formatted social security number. Then increment each digit by one. If the digit is "9" then make it a "0". Return a properly formatted social security number.
Then create a function that will do the opposite. This function will take an encoded social security number and convert it back into an unencrypted social security number. The de-encoded number is what this function will return.
For each patient, print their full name, their original social security number, their encoded social security number, and then their de-encoded social security number.
a.For each patient, print their full name, their original social security number, their encoded social security number, and then their de-encoded social security number.
using namespace std;
int main() {
char lname[][10]=
Chaney"}; char fname[][10] =
char middle[] =
{'N','L','X','L','O','L','M','B','S','T','J','C','P','D','Z'}; char
addr[][50] = {"2763 Filibuster Drive","701 Collage Avenue","1500
Raceway Lane","207 Daisy Avenue","1527 Lewis Road","25 Hunters
Lane","851 Applebe Court","1410 Waterford Blvd","2379 Runners
Way","46 Hawthorne Drive","1814 Constitution Ct","345 Cigar
Row","896 Pine Avenue","24 Blue Belt Drive","2589 College Court"};
,"Lakeland","Orlando"};int zip[] =
char gender[] =
{'M','F','M','M','M','F','M','M','F','M','F','M','M','M','F'}; char
dob[][11] =
8/1997","04/07/1998","03/12/1999","02/23/2000","01/15/2001"}; char
social[][12] =
vector fullName;
vector zombies_zip;
std::map dups;
char buffer[16];
char buffer2[16];
// for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
// {
// //char buffer[16]; // large enough
// //char buffer2[16];
// strcpy(buffer, lName[i]);
// strcat(buffer, fName[i]);
// cout << lName[i] << " " << fName[i] << "
" << buffer << endl;
// cout << buffer << middleInitial[i] <<
// }
for(int i =0; i < 15; i++){
if(zombie[i] == 'Y'){
sort(zombies_zip.begin(), zombies_zip.end());
// for (int i=0; i // cout << zombies_zip[i] << "\n";
for(int i : zombies_zip)
for(auto& dup : dups)
cout << dup.first << " has " << dup.second
<< " zombies\n";
//cout<<"Last Name: "<< last_name << ", "<<
"First Name: " << first_name << " ," << "Middle
name: " << middle_name << " ," << "Street
address: "<< street_address << " ," << "City: "
<< city << " ," << "State: " << state
<<" ," << "Zip: " << zip << endl;
//printf("Zombie: %c, ""Gender: %c, Date of Birth: %d-%d-%d, Insurance: %c, Social Security Number %s", gender, date_of_birth[0], date_of_birth[1], date_of_birth[2], insurance, social_security_number);
//cout<<"Zombie?: "<< zombie << ", "<< "Gender: " << gender << " ," << "Date of Birth: " << date_of_birth[0] << "/" << "/" << date_of_birth[1] << date_of_birth[2] << " ," << "Insurance?: "<< insurance << " ," << "Social Security: " << social_security_number<< endl;
cout << "Number of patients: " <<
sizeof(lName)/sizeof(lName[0]) << endl;
cout<<"Number of zombies: " << num_of_zombies <<
New format for patient record: Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial, Address, City, State, Zip, Sex, Date of Birth, SS #, Zombie?
int* cipher(long int originalSecurity);
int main(){
int i=0,num[100];
char lname[][10]=
Chaney"}; char fname[][10] =
long int originalSecurity;
printf("enter your original security number");
int encrypted[20]=cipher(originalSecurity);
printf("encrypted originalSecurity is ");
printf("original Security is %ld",originalSecurity);
return 0;
int* cipher(long int originalSecurity){
int num[i]=originalSecurity%10+1;
long int originalSecurity=/10;
return num;