
In: Computer Science

Why should someone study data science? How data science is a great career field? I need...

Why should someone study data science? How data science is a great career field?

I need 600 words.

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Expert Solution


          Data Science is a field of Computer Science which deals with organizing large amounts of data and applying engineering principles and statistics to get the hidden insights from the data. Data Science helps one to find the hidden insights by analyzing the data. As we see today, data is a very important part of any organization. Also it’s like a challenge to organizations to store and manage lots of tons of data.

        At this scenario, organizations need to store this huge data. Only storing of data is not enough for the organizations.They need to apply statistical principles to predict the future requirements. Now-a-days, every company is having data scientists because it helps to grow their business. Tech giants like Google, youtube, Facebook…. use data science in a very often fashion. They store their client data and apply data science principles and get their users future prediction. Based on this, they show advertisements and other things which help users to get into it easily.

         One great example for data science applications is Amazon recommendations. Once we buy a product, it shows all similar products that we may like. This is because of data science. Data science helps in various other ways. It helps in website advertising based on the usage of the user. It helps in fraud detection. It helps in healthcare. As we said earlier, it takes the previous data and apply engineering principles and get insights from that data. Based on the insights, we build models which will be helpful in predicting future requirements.

         Coming to careers in data science, it is one of the top careers in demand. There is a huge number of data scientists requirements in industry. One can get good salary by entering this data science field. To be a data scientist, one should have basic knowledge of mathematics, statistics and machine learning algorithms. By entering into data science, one can make their career more interesting and challenging daily.

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