
In: Computer Science

I am working on a project for my Computer Science course. I am trying to create...

I am working on a project for my Computer Science course. I am trying to create a Battleship game where a user names two coordinates on a grid and is then told whether this results in a "Hit" or a "Miss". Once the ship has been hit a certain number of times (based on the size of the ship) the ship is sunk. I have written all the code but it now fails to execute when I try to run it. Could someone please help me to get this program working properly? I will paste the code below:



// coordinates (location) of the ship and shots
class location {
void locationreset(void); // void constructor, assigns -1 to X
void pick(void); // picks a random location

void fire(void); // asks the user to input the
// coordinates of the next shot
void print(void) const; // prints location in format "a1"

// returns true if the two locations match
friend bool compare(location, location);

static const int fieldSize = 5; // the field (ocean) is fieldSize X fieldSize
int x; // 1 through fieldSize
char y; // 'a' through fieldSize

// contains ship's coordinates (location) and whether is was sunk
class ship {
ship(void); // void constructor, sets sunk=false
bool match(location) const; // returns true if this location matches
// the ship's location
bool isSunk(void) const { return(sunk); }; // checks to see if the ship is sunk
void sink(void); // sets "sunk" member variable of the ship to true
void setLocation(location); // deploys the ship at the specified location
void printShip(void) const; // prints location and status of the ship

location loc;
bool sunk;

// contains the fleet of the deployed ships
class fleet {
void deployFleet(void); // deploys the ships in random locations
// of the ocean
bool operational(void) const; // returns true if at least
// one ship in the fleet is not sunk
bool isHitNSink(location); // returns true if there was a deployed
// ship at this location (hit) and sinks it
// otherwise returns false (miss)
void printFleet(void) const; // prints out locations of ships in fleet

static const int fleetSize = 5; // number of battleships
bool check(location); // returns true if one of the ship's locations
// matches the ship, returns false
// if none-match
ship ships[fleetSize]; // battleships of the fleet

#endif /* BATTLESHIP_H_ */



#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "battleship.h"

using namespace std;

void location::locationreset(void) {
   x = -1;
   y = 'x';

void location::pick(void) {
   x = rand() % fieldSize + 1;
   y = rand() % fieldSize;
   switch (y) {
   case 0: y = 'a'; break;
   case 1: y = 'b'; break;
   case 2: y = 'c'; break;
   case 3: y = 'd'; break;
   case 4: y = 'e'; break;

void location::fire(void) {
   cout << "input the coordinates of the next shot "; cin >> y >> x;

void location::print() const {
   cout << y << x;
bool compare(location loc1, location loc2) {
   return (loc1.x == loc2.x && loc1.y == loc2.y);

ship::ship(void) {
   sunk = false;

bool ship::match(location shiploc) const {
   return compare(loc, shiploc);

void ship::sink(void) {
   sunk = true;

void ship::setLocation(location shiploc) {   // deploys the ship at the specified location
   loc = shiploc;

void ship::printShip(void) const { // prints location and status of the ship
   if (sunk == true)
       cout << "sunk";
   else if (sunk == false)
       cout << "not sunk" << endl;

void fleet::deployFleet(void) { // deploys the ships in random locations of the ocean
   location loc; loc.locationreset();
   for (int i = 0; i < fleetSize; i++) {


bool fleet::operational() const { // returns true if at least one ship in the fleet is not sunk
   for (int i = 0; i < fleetSize; ++i)
       if (ships[i].isSunk() == false)
           return true;
   return false;


bool fleet::isHitNSink(location shiploc) {   // returns true if there was a deployed
   for (int i = 0; i < fleetSize; ++i) {
       if (ships[i].match(shiploc) == true && ships[i].isSunk() == false)
           return true;
           return false;

void fleet::printFleet(void) const { // prints out locations of ships in fleet
   for (int i = 0; i < fleetSize; ++i)

bool fleet::check(location shiploc) {
   for (int i = 0; i < fleetSize; ++i)
       if (ships[i].match(shiploc))
           return true;
           return false;



#include "battleship.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
   char answer;
   fleet myFleet;   //computer's ships
   myFleet.deployFleet(); // fleet is deployed at random locations
   cout << "Do ships' positions and status need to be printed? (y for yes)" << endl;
   cin >> answer;
   if (answer == 'y')
   while (myFleet.operational() == true) {
       cout << "there are still ships up";
       location userShot;
       cout << "Input location(a-e 1-5): ";;
       if (myFleet.isHitNSink(userShot) == true)
           cout << "hit";
           cout << "miss";
       cout << "Do ships' positions and status need to be printed? (y for yes, q to quit)";
       cin >> answer;
       if (answer == 'y')
       else if (answer == 'q')


Expert Solution

If you are compiling below C++ codes in command line then compile it by using below line:

g++ main.cpp battleship.cpp

C++ code:



// coordinates (location) of the ship and shots
class location
    void locationreset(void); // void constructor, assigns -1 to X
    void pick(void);          // picks a random location

    void fire(void); // asks the user to input the
    // coordinates of the next shot
    void print(void) const; // prints location in format "a1"

    // returns true if the two locations match
    friend bool compare(location, location);

    static const int fieldSize = 5; // the field (ocean) is fieldSize X fieldSize
    int x;                          // 1 through fieldSize
    char y;                         // 'a' through fieldSize

// contains ship's coordinates (location) and whether is was sunk
class ship
    ship(void);                 // void constructor, sets sunk=false
    bool match(location) const; // returns true if this location matches
    // the ship's location
    bool isSunk(void) const { return (sunk); }; // checks to see if the ship is sunk
    void sink(void);                            // sets "sunk" member variable of the ship to true
    void setLocation(location);                 // deploys the ship at the specified location
    void printShip(void) const;                 // prints location and status of the ship

    location loc;
    bool sunk;

// contains the fleet of the deployed ships
class fleet
    void deployFleet(void); // deploys the ships in random locations
    // of the ocean
    bool operational(void) const; // returns true if at least
    // one ship in the fleet is not sunk
    bool isHitNSink(location); // returns true if there was a deployed
    // ship at this location (hit) and sinks it
    // otherwise returns false (miss)
    void printFleet(void) const; // prints out locations of ships in fleet

    static const int fleetSize = 5; // number of battleships
    bool check(location);           // returns true if one of the ship's locations
    // matches the ship, returns false
    // if none-match
    ship ships[fleetSize]; // battleships of the fleet

#endif /* BATTLESHIP_H_ */


#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "battleship.h"

using namespace std;

void location::locationreset(void)
    x = -1;
    y = 'x';

void location::pick(void)
    x = rand() % fieldSize + 1;
    y = rand() % fieldSize;
    switch (y)
    case 0:
        y = 'a';
    case 1:
        y = 'b';
    case 2:
        y = 'c';
    case 3:
        y = 'd';
    case 4:
        y = 'e';

void location::fire(void)
    cout << "\ninput the coordinates of the next shot: ";
    cin >> y >> x;
void location::print() const
    cout << y << x;
bool compare(location loc1, location loc2)
    return (loc1.x == loc2.x && loc1.y == loc2.y);

    sunk = false;

bool ship::match(location shiploc) const
    return compare(loc, shiploc);

void ship::sink(void)
    sunk = true;

void ship::setLocation(location shiploc)
{ // deploys the ship at the specified location
    loc = shiploc;

void ship::printShip(void) const
{ // prints location and status of the ship
    if (sunk == true)
        cout << " sunk" << endl;
    else if (sunk == false)
        cout << " not sunk" << endl;

void fleet::deployFleet(void)
{ // deploys the ships in random locations of the ocean
    location loc;
    for (int i = 0; i < fleetSize; i++)

bool fleet::operational() const
{ // returns true if at least one ship in the fleet is not sunk
    for (int i = 0; i < fleetSize; ++i)
        if (ships[i].isSunk() == false)
            return true;
    return false;

bool fleet::isHitNSink(location shiploc)
{ // returns true if there was a deployed
    for (int i = 0; i < fleetSize; ++i)
        if (ships[i].match(shiploc) == true && ships[i].isSunk() == false)
            return true;
    return false;

void fleet::printFleet(void) const
{ // prints out locations of ships in fleet
    for (int i = 0; i < fleetSize; ++i)

bool fleet::check(location shiploc)
    for (int i = 0; i < fleetSize; ++i)
        if (ships[i].match(shiploc))
            return true;
    return false;


#include "battleship.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main()
    char answer;
    fleet myFleet;         //computer's ships
    myFleet.deployFleet(); // fleet is deployed at random locations
    cout << "Do ships' positions and status need to be printed? (y for yes): ";
    cin >> answer;
    if (answer == 'y')
    while (myFleet.operational() == true)
        cout << "\nthere are still ships up";
        location userShot;
        cout << "\nInput location(a-e 1-5): ";;
        if (myFleet.isHitNSink(userShot) == true)
            cout << "hit";
            cout << "miss";
        cout << "\nDo ships' positions and status need to be printed? (y for yes, q to quit): ";
        cin >> answer;
        if (answer == 'y')
        else if (answer == 'q')


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