In: Computer Science
Wireless Sensor Networks/Internet of Things
Considering sensors and signal processing (based on in-class materials or your own knowledge if you have a background here) how would you determine if the entity in your sensor field was an elephant or a lion
There are many ways wherein you can determine if the entity present is an elephant or a lion,
the simpler way that I feel is using image processing.
1- You will need a USB WebCam (or a Pi camera if you are using Raspberry Pi )
2- capture an image and then using OpenCV (library present for various languages), process the image with HaarCascade (haar cascade is a classifier which is used to identify an object in an image).
So use haar cascade of animal and then all you have to do is write code to process the image and give you the result.
P.S - I 'll be attaching few links to guide you on how to use OpenCV and how to create haar cascade for any object
OpenCv using Python :
Youtube Video: