How can attention be both a punisher and a reinforcer of
behavior? Please use examples.
How can attention be both a punisher and a reinforcer of
behavior? Please use examples.
Expert Solution
Reinforcer increases the likelihood of the behaviour to occur
again,whereas punisher decreases the likelihood of the behaviour to
occur again.For example,when a parent of teacher provides attention
to the child,it helps to reinforce appropriate behaviours in
them.If a child behaves well and talks politely to his elders,this
behaviour is paid to attention to by the parents and the child
might be rewared with his favourite chocolate.Then attention
becomes a reinforcer and the child will continue to indulge in this
socially appropriate behaviour,as he believes that his behaviour is
being paid attention to and being appreciated by his parents.
Attention also acts as a punisher.Punishment involves removal
of the pleasant stimulus to stop the behaviour to occur
again,especially when it is inappropriate.For example,a child keeps
throwing tantrums as she wants her favourite toy and her mother
keeps ignoring this behaviour of hers.This removal of attention to
her behaviour,would subsequently decrease her likelihood to indulge
in tantrum behaviours,as no attention is being provided.This is
called negative punishment,because the pleasant stimulus of
attention is being removed,thereby decreasing the inappropriate
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This is for a Organization Behavior class...
Please give some idea's and examples, and stuff that i can
exapnd my answer with TIA
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