
In: Computer Science

Add a function to Programming Challenge 7 that allows the user to search the structure array...

Add a function to Programming Challenge 7 that allows the user to search the structure array for a particular customer's account. It should accept part of the customer's name as an argument and then search for an account with a name that matches it. All accounts that match should be displayed. If no account matches, a message saying so should be displayed. Currently I have

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
void displayAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], int index);
void changeAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], int index, int num);
void createNewAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], int index);
void menu();
const int SIZE = 2;
struct customerAccount
   string name, address, city, state, zip, phone, date;
   double balance;
int main()
   int choice = 0;
   int num = 0;
   int index = 1;
   customerAccount Arr[2];
   cout << "Please enter a choice: 1-4\n";
   cin >> choice;
       switch (choice)
       case 1:
           createNewAccount(Arr, index);
           cout << "Make another choice 1-4: \n";
           cin >> choice;
       case 2:
           cout << "Enter the customer number you would like to change the account information of " << endl;
           cin >> num;
           changeAccount(Arr, num, index);
       case 3:
           displayAccount(Arr, choice);

       case 4:
           return 0;
           cout << "Please enter a valid choice ";
           cout << "between 1 and 4:" << endl;
           cout << "Please enter a choice: ";
           cin >> choice;
   return 0;
void menu()
   cout << "****************************" << endl;
   cout << "\n \t MENU \n" << endl;
   cout << "****************************" << endl;
   cout << "1. Enter new account information" << endl;
   cout << "2. Change account information" << endl;
   cout << "3. Display all account information" << endl;
   cout << "4. Exit the program" << endl;
void displayAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], int index)

   for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
       cout << "The Customer's name is " << Arr[i].name << endl;
       cout << "The Customer's address is " << Arr[i].address << endl;
       cout << "Customer City is " << Arr[i].city << ", ";
       cout << Arr[i].state << "\n Area code: " << Arr[i].zip << endl;
       cout << "Their phone number is " << Arr[i].phone << endl;
       cout << "Their account creation date is " << Arr[i].date << endl;
       cout << "Their account balance is " << Arr[i].balance << endl;
void changeAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], int index, int num)

   cout << "enter the new Customer name: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[num].name);
   cout << "enter the new Customer address: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[num].address);
   cout << "enter the new City: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[num].city);
   cout << "enter the new State: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[num].state);
   cout << "enter the new ZIP Code: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[num].zip);
   cout << "enter their telephone number: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[num].phone);
   cout << "Account balance, postive numbers only: ";
   cin >> Arr[num].balance;
   if (Arr[num].balance < 0)
       cout << "this is not a valid balance.\n";
       cout << "please enter another balance";
       cin >> Arr[num].balance;
   cout << "enter a date of last payment: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[num].date);
void createNewAccount(customerAccount Arr[], int index)

   cout << "enter a Customer name: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[index].name);
   cout << "enter a Customer address: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[index].address);
   cout << "enter their City: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[index].city);
   cout << "enter their State: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[index].state);
   cout << "enter their ZIP Code: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[index].zip);
   cout << "Telephone: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[index].phone);
   cout << "Account balance: ";
   cin >> Arr[index].balance;
   cout << "Date of last payment: ";
   getline(cin, Arr[index].date);

How do I make a sort function for this?


Expert Solution


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
void displayAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], int index);
void changeAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], int index, int num);
void createNewAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], int index);
void searchAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], string name);
void sortAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[]);
void menu();
const int SIZE = 2;
struct customerAccount
string name, address, city, state, zip, phone, date;
double balance;
int main()
int choice = 0;
int num = 0;
int index = 1;
customerAccount Arr[2];
string name;

cout << "Please enter a choice: 1-4\n";
cin >> choice;

switch (choice)
case 1:
createNewAccount(Arr, index);
cout << "Make another choice 1-4: \n";
case 2:
cout << "Enter the customer number you would like to change the account information of " << endl;
cin >> num;
changeAccount(Arr, num, index);
case 3:
displayAccount(Arr, choice);
case 4:
cout << "Enter the customer name you would like to search the account information of " << endl;
cin >> name;
searchAccount(Arr, name);
case 5:
cout<<"Accounts are sorted."<<endl;
case 6:
return 0;
cout << "Please enter a valid choice ";
cout << "between 1 and 4:" << endl;


return 0;
void menu()
cout << "\n****************************" << endl;
cout << "\n \t MENU \n" << endl;
cout << "****************************" << endl;
cout << "1. Enter new account information" << endl;
cout << "2. Change account information" << endl;
cout << "3. Display all account information" << endl;
cout << "4. Search an account" << endl;
cout << "5. Sort the accounts" << endl;
cout << "6. Exit the program\n" << endl;
void displayAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], int index)

for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
cout << "The Customer's name is " << Arr[i].name << endl;
cout << "The Customer's address is " << Arr[i].address << endl;
cout << "Customer City is " << Arr[i].city << ", ";
cout << Arr[i].state << "\n Area code: " << Arr[i].zip << endl;
cout << "Their phone number is " << Arr[i].phone << endl;
cout << "Their account creation date is " << Arr[i].date << endl;
cout << "Their account balance is " << Arr[i].balance << endl;
void changeAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], int index, int num)
cout << "enter the new Customer name: ";
getline(cin, Arr[num].name);
cout << "enter the new Customer address: ";
getline(cin, Arr[num].address);
cout << "enter the new City: ";
getline(cin, Arr[num].city);
cout << "enter the new State: ";
getline(cin, Arr[num].state);
cout << "enter the new ZIP Code: ";
getline(cin, Arr[num].zip);
cout << "enter their telephone number: ";
getline(cin, Arr[num].phone);
cout << "Account balance, postive numbers only: ";
cin >> Arr[num].balance;
if (Arr[num].balance < 0)
cout << "this is not a valid balance.\n";
cout << "please enter another balance";
cin >> Arr[num].balance;
cout << "enter a date of last payment: ";
getline(cin, Arr[num].date);
void createNewAccount(customerAccount Arr[], int index)
cout << "enter a Customer name: ";
getline(cin, Arr[index].name);
cout << "enter a Customer address: ";
getline(cin, Arr[index].address);
cout << "enter their City: ";
getline(cin, Arr[index].city);
cout << "enter their State: ";
getline(cin, Arr[index].state);
cout << "enter their ZIP Code: ";
getline(cin, Arr[index].zip);
cout << "Telephone: ";
getline(cin, Arr[index].phone);
cout << "Account balance: ";
cin >> Arr[index].balance;
cout << "Date of last payment: ";
getline(cin, Arr[index].date);
void searchAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[], string name)
bool f=0;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
if(Arr[i].name == name)
cout << "The Customer's name is " << Arr[i].name << endl;
cout << "The Customer's address is " << Arr[i].address << endl;
cout << "Customer City is " << Arr[i].city << ", ";
cout << Arr[i].state << "\n Area code: " << Arr[i].zip << endl;
cout << "Their phone number is " << Arr[i].phone << endl;
cout << "Their account creation date is " << Arr[i].date << endl;
cout << "Their account balance is " << Arr[i].balance << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "No such name exists!" << endl;
void sortAccount(struct customerAccount Arr[])
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE-1; i++)
// Last i elements are already in place
for (j = 0; j < SIZE-i-1; j++)
if (Arr[j].balance > Arr[j+1].balance)
struct customerAccount temp;
temp = Arr[j];
Arr[j] = Arr[j+1];
Arr[j+1] = temp;


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