
In: Computer Science

Create a basic program (C programming language) that accomplishes the following requirements: Allows the user to...

Create a basic program (C programming language) that accomplishes the following requirements:

  1. Allows the user to input 2 numbers, a starting number x and ending number y
  2. Implements a while loop that counts from x (start) to y(end).
  • Inside the loop, print to the screen the current number
  • Print rather the current number is even or odd
  • If the number is even , multiply by the number by 3 and print the results to the screen.
  • If the number is odd , add 10 and print the results to the screen.
  • Use at least 1 increment or decrement operator.


Expert Solution


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int x, y;
    printf("Enter 2 numbers:\n");
    // Takes input of starting number from user
    printf("Enter starting number : ");
    // Takes input of ending from user
    printf("Enter ending number : ");
    // Loop iterates till the x is less than or equal to y
    while (x <= y) {
        // Printing the current number
        printf("Current number is: %d\n", x);
        // Condition to check if x is even
        if (x%2 == 0) {
            // Printing the current number is even
            printf("The current number is even\n");
            // Multiplying the number with 3 and print the result
            printf("%d\n", x*3);
        } else { // If x is odd
            // Printing the current number is odd
            printf("The current number is odd\n");
            // Adding 10 to the number and print the result
            printf("%d\n", x+10);
        // Incrementing the x value
    return 0;


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