
In: Computer Science

goal of this function will be to add an element to an already existing array in...

goal of this function will be to add an element to an already existing array in C/C++.

bool add(structure dir[], int& size, const char nm[], const char ph[]){

//code here


add = function name

structure = structure with two fields


char name[20];

char phone[13];


int& size = # of entries in dir

nm = name that's going to be added

ph = phone that's going to be added.

return true if entry was successfully added, false if there's no more room.

if entry was added, size will reflect the new number of entries in dir.


Expert Solution

Please look at my code and in case of indentation issues check the screenshots.


#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
#define MAX 1000

struct phoneBook       //structure with two fields
   char name[20];
   char phone[13];

//to add an element to an already existing array
bool add(struct phoneBook dir[], int& size, const char nm[], const char ph[]){
   if(size == MAX)                   //checks if number of elements is equal to the max capacity
       return false;               //returns false, since new element cannot be added NO ROOM
   strcpy(dir[size].name, nm);       //copy nm to array location at index size
   strcpy(dir[size].phone, ph);   //copy ph to array location at index size
   size++;                           //increase size
   return true;                   //return true since element is added successfully at the end

int main()
   struct phoneBook dir[MAX];       //array of structure type, that can store 1000 name,phone numbers  
   int size = 0;                   //# of entries currently in dir
   int val;

   val = add(dir, size, "Watson", "9999999999");       //add first element
       cout << "Size is " << size << endl;
       cout << "Entry added successfully" << endl;

   val = add(dir, size, "John", "8888888888");           //add second element
       cout << "Size is " << size << endl;
       cout << "Entry added successfully" << endl;

   val = add(dir, size, "Jim", "7777777777");           //add third element
       cout << "Size is " << size << endl;
       cout << "Entry added successfully" << endl;

    cout << "\nThe phoneBook has the following entries:\n";   //print all elements
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
        cout << dir[i].name << " " << dir[i].phone << endl;

   return 0;



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