
In: Computer Science

I am trying to write a python code to create a function that returns all possible...

I am trying to write a python code to create a function that returns all possible dimensions (reshaping) for an input matrix, can someone explains the math and write a python code with explaining all the steps and give me a test cases, and please explain if there is more than one approach. so if we have 1*8 matrix we should return 1*8, 2*4,4*2,8*1

def reshaping(M) should return a n ORDERED list AND the all possible reshaped matrices


Expert Solution

import numpy as np          #for using reshape() function to reshape matrix with each dimension

def reshaping(M):           #function definition
    m = len(M)              #calculating number of rows
    n = len(M[0])           #calculating number of columns
    elements = m*n          #calculating number of elements in the matrix

    '''so the main maths behind this is that all the factors of total elements in matrix
        will have a reshape possible starting from 1 to total elements
        so here we will loop all such factors and create a dimension from it
        after that we will reshape matrix for each dimension we added to the list'''

    dimensions = []         #to store all the dimensions possible for a matrix
    reshaped_matrices = []          #to store all the reshaped matrices
    for i in range(1, elements+1):
        if elements%i == 0:         #factor will completely divide total elements
            dimensions.append(f'{i}*{elements // i}')           #appending dimension to the list
            reshaped_matrices.append(M.reshape(i, elements//i))     #reshaping and appending
    return dimensions, reshaped_matrices        #returning the dimension list and reshaped matrices

arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12])         #testcase 1
M = arr.reshape(4,3)    #creating a sample matrix
dim, res = reshaping(M)     #calling the function
print(f'Ordered List of all possible dimensions: {dim}\n')          #printing ordered dimension list
for i in res:       #printing each reshaped matrix
    print(i, '\n')

Screenshot of output:

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