
In: Operations Management

Why do we say that the questionnaire/survey is the CRITICAL link between the respondent and the...

  1. Why do we say that the questionnaire/survey is the CRITICAL link between the respondent and the company? (Explain in a sentence or two)

  1. What do we mean (in more specific terms) that the survey “serves” the manager? In other words, what are the criteria that make a “good” questionnaire for the manager? (Explain in detail.)

  1. What do we mean (in more specific terms) that the survey “serves” the respondent? In other words, what are the criteria that make a “good” questionnaire for the respondent? (Explain in detail.)


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Companies usually conduct a survey using a questionnaire in order to collect information from the respondent. A respondent can be a customer of the company. The main purpose of a survey/questionnaire is to get product feedback, to check loyalty of a customer or to measure customer satisfaction. All this information ultimately helps a company/organization to make the decision regarding product innovation, pricing, promotions, etc. That is the reason why it is said that the questionnaire/survey is the critical link between the respondent and the company.

Criteria that make a "good" questionnaire for the manager

The first step that makes a "good" questionnaire for the manager is clarity, The manager needs to be very clear about the information he wants to collect through designing the questionnaire. He needs to consider the following aspects while making a questionnaire.

  • Asking Right questions: After knowing exactly what information is required from the respondent, the next step is to design the right questions in such a way that the maximum required information can be avail from the respondent.
  • Content must be specific: The content of the questions asked in the questionnaire must be specific to the information required from the respondents.
  • Should be free from Assumptions: The managers should avoid making any assumption while making a questionnaire in order to get the correct and assumption-free information from the respondent. The question asked should be to the point.
  • Open-ended v/s close-ended questionnaire: Open-ended questions are those questions that leaves the respondent to answer the question in his/her own way which may lead to confusion while analyzing the responses by the manager at the end of the survey. That is why it is better to use close-ended questions in the questionnaire. In close-ended questions, options or answers are given to the respondent and they need to simply check or encircles the answer of his/her choice.
  • The questions should be arranged in a proper/logical manner.

Criteria that make a "good" questionnaire for respondent

When designing a survey/questionnaire, we are focused on the outcomes and the information required to make important decisions. That is the reason why respondents can not be neglected. The following are some of the points, related to the respondent which need to be taken care of while designing a questionnaire.

  • Valid questions: It should be a valid questionnaire, the questions asked should be phrased in such a way that the respondent understands the main objective of the survey/questionnaire.
  • The questionnaire should be interesting: While designing the questionnaire, we should put some thoughts into forming the questions which are relevant to the respondent. That can make a questionnaire interesting as far as respondents are concerned. An interesting questionnaire is likely to be completed by the respondents and therefore, can yield a better and proper response.
  • Options/Choice answers: The option or choice provided for each question should be as exhaustive as possible. It should be ensured that the respondent finds an option that suits the best to his/her answer.
  • Filtering in case of complex questions: Filtering should be used to guide the respondent In a questionnaire which has many parts, and only a few of them is to be answered by the respondent, Also, we should keep in mind that using too much filtering can confuse the respondent and that can make a questionnaire complicated.
  • Logical order of the questions: The order of the questions should be in a logical manner. A questionnaire should start with simple questions.
  • Avoid asking two things in one question: Double-barrelled questions should be avoided as this may lead to confusion in respondents and difficulty in interpreting the responses by the mangers while analyzing the data after completion of the survey.
  • The question asked in the questionnaire should have completeness and grammatical consistency.

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