Describe the five needs in Maslow’s hierarchy. Give examples of how individuals with each need might...

Describe the five needs in Maslow’s hierarchy. Give examples of how individuals with each need might behave.

In: Psychology

Case Study Instructions Recent studies support the potential of a drug that is derived from the...

Case Study


Recent studies support the potential of a drug that is derived from the metal iridium to effectively treat cancer. This experimental drug, Drug ZL105, has not been tested for efficacy and toxicity. Imagine that you are the one responsible for approving or denying the use of this drug within the United States. Your job is to propose the testing that is needed for this drug to be determined as safe and effective for the treatment of cancer in humans. In your research and discussion, you should address the questions below.

  1. What model(s) will you use for testing (i.e., animal, cell cultures, computer simulations)? Explain the choice of model, and provide support for the reliability of the model. Discuss the pros and cons of your choice.
  2. In determining the safety and effectiveness of the drug, would it be necessary to test efficacy, toxicity, and lethality? Explain what each of these tests are for and whether or not one or more of the tests are necessary for your determination.
  3. Provide your thoughts on what information you hope to gather from your tests and whether or not the same protocol should be used for various categories of products such as drugs, cosmetics, and herbal medicines.

Your case study assignment should be three to four pages in length and utilize at least three reliable references. Use APA style guidelines in writing this assignment, following APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and referencing.

In: Psychology

Part 1: Please read the following scenarios. For each scenario, answer the following questions: a) what...

Part 1: Please read the following scenarios. For each scenario, answer the following questions: a) what is the independent variable, b) what is the dependent variable, and c) is this a between-subjects or within-subjects design?

  1. A child psychologist wants to determine the effects of cloth versus paper diapers on toilet training. Day-old infants will be used to begin the project. The age at which diapers are no longer needed (to the nearest week) will be determined.
  2. A researcher wants to determine whether rats learn a complex maze more quickly when practice is spaced (spread out in time) rather than massed. The effects of massing practice trials (one trial every 10 seconds) will be compared with the effects of distributing practice trials (one every 10 minutes). The number of trials the rats need to learn the maze perfectly will be counted.
  3. A local brewery is test-marketing flavored beer. It wants to see whether consumers prefer strawberry-, licorice-, or avocado-flavored beer. Several bottles of each flavor will be made. Consumers will fill out a questionnaire on how much they like the flavor, body, and aroma of the various flavors.

In: Psychology

how the adversarial model used in law presents problems for clinicians and research psychologists.

how the adversarial model used in law presents problems for clinicians and research psychologists.

In: Psychology

First, please consider this "list of failures and successes" in the life of Abraham Lincoln. We're...

First, please consider this "list of failures and successes" in the life of Abraham Lincoln. We're suggesting that one of Lincoln's greatest attributes was his ability to recover and learn from failure. The quality of perseverance seemed especially useful to Lincoln as he struggled with "melancholy" (what might now be called depression) Please read this related article by Joshua Wolf Shenk.

For Lincoln, learning how to persevere also meant learning how to adapt. Based on your reading of Shenk's article, please identify three of Lincoln's most successful adaptation strategies (skills, habits, or ways of thinking) that helped him use his struggle with depression to accomplish worthy goals.


list of failures and successes

Please read this related article by Joshua Wolf Shenk

please answer in paragraph form

In: Psychology

Describe how the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan brought about social movements through relative deprivation and resource...

Describe how the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan brought about social movements through relative deprivation and resource mobilization in both the United States and Afghanistan.

In: Psychology

What is the textbook (psychology by David G. Myers night edition) definition of intelligence. Does it...

What is the textbook (psychology by David G. Myers night edition) definition of intelligence. Does it differ from your definition? Explain

In: Psychology

Why is face to face communication is important rather than communicating through social sites, text messages,...

Why is face to face communication is important rather than communicating through social sites, text messages, and emails.

In: Psychology

In a short paragraph, describe the basic idea underlying self-worth theory. In a second paragraph, explain...

In a short paragraph, describe the basic idea underlying self-worth theory. In a second paragraph, explain what self-handicapping is and the role it plays with regard to self-worth. To illustrate your discussion, describe two different kinds of self-handicapping that might occur.

In: Psychology

How do you understand racism and/or prejudice to have impacted your lived experience? What do you...

How do you understand racism and/or prejudice to have impacted your lived experience? What do you understand White Supremacy to be? How might interpersonal racism and institutional racism be linked?

In: Psychology

The field of psychology addresses many facets of human behavior. In no less than one paragraph...

The field of psychology addresses many facets of human behavior. In no less than one paragraph discuss the reasons for the study of personality and the goals of the study of personality.

In: Psychology

Based on Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, list each type and describe one of your family...

Based on Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, list each type and describe one of your family member's personalities on each of the eight types of intelligence. Be sure to list and discuss all eight intelligences.

In: Psychology

How important are near absolutes in solving moral issues?

How important are near absolutes in solving moral issues?

In: Psychology

The foundation of success in life is good health: that is the substratum fortune; it is...

The foundation of success in life is good health: that is the substratum fortune; it is also the basis of happiness. A person cannot accumulate a fortune very well when he is sick”. Discuss this statement and defend your answer.

In: Psychology

If the New Deal did not in fact “end” the Great Depression, what impact has it...

If the New Deal did not in fact “end” the Great Depression, what impact has it had on American history and American life

In: Psychology