
In: Computer Science

Complete the following tasks: a. Create a class named Trip that includes four string variables: destination...

Complete the following tasks:

  • a. Create a class named Trip that includes four string variables: destination (for example, “London”), means of transportation (for example, “air”), departure date (for example, “12/15/2015”), and trip's purpose (for example, “business”). Include two overloaded constructors. The default constructor sets each field to “XXX”. The nondefault constructor accepts four parameters—one for each field. Include two overloaded display() methods. The parameterless version displays all the Trip details. The second version accepts a string that represents a destination and displays the Trip details only if the Trip's destination matches the parameter.
  • b. Create an application that instantiates several Trip objects and demonstrates all the methods.


Expert Solution

class Trip {

    private String destination;
    private String transportation;
    private String departureDate;
    private String purpose;

    public Trip() {
        this.destination = "XXX";
        this.transportation = "XXX";
        this.departureDate = "XXX";
        this.purpose = "XXX";

    public Trip(String destination, String transportation, String departureDate, String purpose) {
        this.destination = destination;
        this.transportation = transportation;
        this.departureDate = departureDate;
        this.purpose = purpose;

    public void display() {
        System.out.println("Destination: " + destination);
        System.out.println("Transportation: " + transportation);
        System.out.println("Departure Date: " + departureDate);
        System.out.println("Trip's Purpose: " + purpose);

    public void display(String destination) {
        if (destination.equals(this.destination)) {

class TripTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Trip trip1 = new Trip("London", "Air", "12/15/2015", "Business");
        Trip trip2 = new Trip();
        Trip trip3 = new Trip("Paris", "Air", "9/20/2016", "Vacation");

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