In: Operations Management
What are the various channels to market and how are they interrelated and how are they different?
The various channels to the market are as per the following:
Producer to Consumer -
These are immediate promoting channels which includes the producer straightforwardly offering the items to the consumers. Model is Amway which utilizes direct selling of items to the customers.
Producer to Retailer to Consumer -
This channel includes the producer sending the items to the retailers from where the end customers buy the items. Model is Walmart which produces items, stocks in their retail locations under private names where the consumers can buy.
Producer to Distributor to Retailer to Consumer -
This channel includes the producer sending the item to distributors who send to the retailers from where the end consumers make the buy,
They are interrelated as in the stream is consistently from the maker to the customer, it is to a great extent unidirectional in nature. Generally the distinctions are in the quantity of middle people required alongside the selection of every one of the modules for various items.
A channel that is utilized for state gas may not really be the best for toothpaste and different things of every day utilize attributable to the particular idea of the item being taken care of in the previous case.
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