
In: Computer Science

Assume that Employee class has method boolean isHighEarner() that returns true if employee's salary is above...

Assume that Employee class has method boolean isHighEarner() that returns true if employee's salary is above average and false otherwise. Write an iterative method highEarners that returns the ArrayList<Employee> of all high earners in the given list.

public ArrayList<Employee> highEarners( ArrayList<Employee> list)





Expert Solution

Code is Given Below:


public ArrayList<Employee> highEarners(ArrayList<Employee> list){
       //creating array list Object
       ArrayList<Employee> emp=new ArrayList<Employee>();
       //iterating over array list
       for(Employee e:list) {
           //checking if employee is higher earner
               //adding to array list
       //return array list
       return emp;

Code Snapshot:


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