In: Computer Science
#Note: use print() to add spaces between items and when needed
in the receipt
#(e.g. between user entries and between the entries and the
#1 Ask the user for a number using the prompt: NUMBER?
# Convert the user entered number to an integer
# Calculate the square of the number and display the result on
screen with the following text before it: Your number squared
#2 Ask the user for a first number using the prompt: first
# Ask the user for a second number using the prompt: second
# Convert the two numbers to integers
# Multiply the first number by the second number and display the
result on screen with the following text before it: Result:
#3 Develop a simple food receipt
a. Ask the user for inputs about two food items using the following
prompts in turn. Do not forget to assign each user
entry to a unique variable name:
Item1 name?
Item1 price?
Item1 quantity?
Item2 name?
Item2 price?
Item2 quantity?
b. Convert the price and quantity variables to integers
c. Calculate the total cost for the order by calculating each
item's total price by
multiplying price and quantity for each item and then adding up the
total prices for the two items
d. Display the results using the format:
You ordered: [item1 name] and [item2 name]
Total cost: $ [total price for both items calculated in 3c
#Start your code below
Enhance your simple food receipt
a. Ask the user for inputs about two food items using the following
prompts in turn. Do not forget to assign each user
entry to a unique variable name:
First item name?
First item price?
First item quantity?
Second item name?
Second item price?
Second item quantity?
Third item name?
Third item price?
Third item quantity?
b. Convert the price and quantity variables to integers
c. Calculate the total cost for the order by calculating each
item's total price by
multiplying price and quantity for each item and then adding up the
total prices for the three items
d. Calculate the total cost plus tax for the order by multiplying
the total cose calculated in c by the tax rate of .09
then adding the tax to the total cost
e. Display the results using the format:
You ordered: [First item name] [Second item name] [third item
Total cost: $ [total price for all items calculated in 3c
Total cost plus tax: $ {total cost plus tax calculated in 3d
#Start your code below
number = input("NUMBER?")
number = int(number)
print(f'Your number squared is {number ** 2}')
first_number = input("First Number?")
second_number = input("Second Number?")
first_number = int(first_number)
second_number = int(second_number)
print(f'Result: {first_number * second_number}')
item_1_name = input("Item1 name?")
item_1_price = input("Item1 price?")
item_1_quantity = input("Item1 quantity?")
item_2_name = input("Item2 name?")
item_2_price = input("Item2 price?")
item_2_quantity = input("Item2 quantity?")
item_1_price = int(item_1_price)
item_1_quantity = int(item_1_quantity)
item_2_price = int(item_2_price)
item_2_quantity = int(item_2_quantity)
total_cost = item_1_price * item_1_quantity + item_2_price *
print(f'You ordered: {item_1_name} and {item_2_name}')
print(f'Total Cost: $ {total_cost}')
item_1_name = input("First Item name?")
item_1_price = input("First Item price?")
item_1_quantity = input("First Item quantity?")
item_2_name = input("Second Item name?")
item_2_price = input("Second Item price?")
item_2_quantity = input("Second Item quantity?")
item_3_name = input("Third Item name?")
item_3_price = input("Third Item price?")
item_3_quantity = input("Third Item quantity?")
item_1_price = int(item_1_price)
item_1_quantity = int(item_1_quantity)
item_2_price = int(item_2_price)
item_2_quantity = int(item_2_quantity)
item_3_price = int(item_3_price)
item_3_quantity = int(item_3_quantity)
total_cost = item_1_price * item_1_quantity + item_2_price *
item_2_quantity + item_3_price * item_3_quantity
total_cost_taxed = total_cost + total_cost * 0.09
print(f'You ordered: {item_1_name}, {item_2_name} and
print(f'Total Cost: $ {total_cost}')
print(f'Total Cost Plus Tax: $ {total_cost_taxed}')