In: Computer Science
For each case below, graphically represent entities and relationships between entities. Include primary keys, foreign keys where appropriate. For each entity add a couple of attributes (fields) and then provide a brief statement explaining why each entity (table) is in 3NF.
An online retailer of coffee beans maintains a long list of unique coffee flavors. The company purchases beans from a number of suppliers; however, each specific flavor of coffee is purchased from only a single supplier. Many of the customers are repeat purchasers and typically order at least five flavors of beans in each order.
Conference speaker :-
Registration :-
Conference session :-
Conference attendees :-
Online retailer of coffee beans maintains :-
Registration details three represent 3NF.
Retailer coffee <------many to many----------->Conference-attendees
take multiple coffee and one coffee can multiple take people.// Relationship between many to many.
Conference session<----------many to many------------>Conference-attendees
many people can attend many Conference.// Relationship between many to many.
Conference speaker<-----------one to many------------>Conference session
one speaker can take multiple session // Relationship between one to many.