In: Computer Science
Write a set of remote access policies to use computers at college?
Remote Access policy is created to govern the remote access to the college network by students outside the college, from home or any remote area. The access from off-campus must be protected and shall be made more authentic, with same privileges, access, grants as the computers connected inside the college campus network. Due to the covid-19 pandemic we can clearly see the use of home computers to connect to the college campus to study from home due to lockdown. This policy helps in maitaining the smooth access and security to do the same.
Policy document can clearly mention these set of guidelines.
Some basic set of Remote Access policies:-
1) Firstly the User connected to the system must follow the other mentioned policies related to data, Network password sharing etc.
2) Posture Criterion must be met with appropriate sitting arangement for online classess, conferences etc.
3) Teachers/ Staff's must be responsible to provide proper guidelines about hardware, software configuration standards including the firewall setting, anti-malware etc.
4)Access to be granted to only the needed course with department.
5)Users should access only secured networks and should not open any third-party unrelated unsecured networks in their system computers. Doing so they should be responsible for any malicious attacks.
6)The networks must be specified that must only be accessed from campus.
7)Steps of connectivity must be mentioned and must be followed.
8)Files, passwords, and other related data must be properly preserved and shall not be shared with any other user.