In: Math
(a) A random sample of 10 houses in a particular area, each of
which is heated with natural gas, is selected and the amount of gas
(therms) used during the month of January is determined for each
house. The resulting observations are 118, 122, 146, 80, 141, 103,
138, 99, 109, 125. Let μ denote the average gas usage
during January by all houses in this area. Compute a point estimate
of μ.
(b) Suppose there are 20,000 houses in this area that use natural
gas for heating. Let τ denote the total amount of gas used
by all of these houses during January. Estimate τ using
the data of part (a).
(c) Use the data in part (a) to estimate p, the proportion
of all houses that used at least 100 therms.
(d) Give a point estimate of the population median usage (the
middle value in the population of all houses) based on the sample
of part (a).